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Monday, July 6, 2015

Banana boats

Do you remember these? Maybe from a Girl Scout camping trip, or at home sitting around a backyard campfire?

We made banana boats a lot when I was growing up. It was a reasonably "healthy" dessert, for this sweets-lover.

Banana, marshmallow and chocolate. There was always more banana than anything else. But that was a good thing. Cooking the banana brought out its sweetness.

Last week, my son brought several bananas home from work (they provide snacks at his office -- I mentioned this on my facebook page). Anyway, I baked banana bread, we made banana splits, and then on Thursday, I made banana boats for the family. This is one of those banana items that does well with older bananas.

I just used half a banana, each. I slit the halves and stuffed with a marshmallow (cut in half), and a chocolate candy (cut into bits).  Then baked these in the toaster oven, just after while we ate dinner. My mom used to wrap these in foil and cook over a campfire, in the coals.

My son tells me that a new batch of bananas will be brought in early this week . . .which means, those older bananas will be given away, again. Don't know if we'll be the lucky recipients, but more banana boats would be fun!


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