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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Two Things

I check the responses from the survey on frugal indulgences from time to time. It's really fun reading what everyone does to treat themselves. And I tend to agree on just having time to do as I please as quite a luxury. I'm not sure that I always use those moments of time wisely, though. The mindfulness aspect is something that I need to work on. If you haven't answered the survey, it's quick and easy, and you won't be judged, graded, or even known by your answers. And if you've answered it once but have thought of something you'd like to add, you can do the survey again, adding answers to specific sections. You can see others's responses at the end, if you're interested. Or, you can wait until I compile it all into a post.

On the other topic, you can sometimes teach an old dog a new trick. I've started keeping our monthly budgets on an electronic spreadsheet, with Apple Numbers, the free spreadsheet program that came with my computer. I just began this at the end of April, so we will see how this works out. It was free, and I'm just trying it out for 3 months. If I like it, I'll stick with it. If I feel it's either more work, or not as accurate because I forget to add expenses, then I can always go back to my trusty pad of paper. I dislike the idea of spending any money to track my money, if I can find an easy way to do it for free.

That's about it for today. I hope that your week is off to a great start!


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