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Friday, December 21, 2012

Checking my list

 Here we are, down to the last weekend before Christmas. I don't know about you, but my days are so full, I don't have a moment to pause.  I made myself a cup of tea yesterday afternoon, set it on the table where I was working, and I totally forgot to drink it!

I've had a lot on my schedule to get done, and I've been working away, doggedly. Yesterday, I set out to get a head start on some meals, finish up semi-handcrafted gifts, begin the wrapping and attend a Christmas concert in the evening.

I baked a pizza for the freezer. This is the "what can we eat, we're still hungry" pizza, for later Christmas evening. We're having Christmas dinner at friends, so we won't have the piles of leftovers in our kitchen this year.

I baked and froze French rolls for Christmas Eve supper -- French dip sandwiches. I'll make the beef and au jus Saturday or Sunday.

I cooked two large pots of soup, for those meals that I just can't get to in the next couple of days. One, turkey noodle, the other pumpkin soup.

I finished up two semi-handcrafted gifts. One, the other hat and mitten set for other daughter. The other gift is a charm keeper. It's already wrapped, so I can't show it to you now. But I used jewelry making supplies to make this. A lobster claw clasp, a 1/2-inch decorative ring, and a couple of small jump rings to hold those two pieces together. This charm keeper clasps onto the zipper-pull of a jacket, that my daughter is getting for Christmas. I put 3 charms on it, personalized to her.

A rush to eat some dinner, and then we went to a Christmas concert in the evening. It was absolutely beautiful, and put the right frame onto the work of my days this month.

I'm nearing the end of the busy work. Today, I have to go out and buy one last gift, but I know exactly what it is and where to find it, so it shouldn't be too difficult. 

I'd like to now bake some cookies for my family. Most of our baking has been given away. 

And hopefully by the end of today, all gifts will be wrapped. 

I have something major to do and look forward to everyday until Dec. 26, Boxing Day. My big plans for Boxing Day? Reading, leisurely breakfast, walk through the neighborhood -- an easy day.

How about you? Do you feel like you're near the end of your hard work, and about to just enjoy the remaining days till Christmas? We're all really busy this week, aren't we? (Don't you dare tell me that you're all done!!)


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