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Thursday, May 24, 2012

How much responsibility does a parent have in providing an education for their children

Our two youngest children are teenagers.  They'll be going to college/university in a year and a half.  We'd always thought that we'd pay all their education costs.  With the cost of tuition having skyrocketed in recent years, even the state universities are not cheap.  If our daughters go to the school of their choice, the combined costs for 4 years for the both of them will be more than we spent on our house, interest on the mortgage included.  It's unbelievable, isn't it?

What were your experiences?  Did you pay your own education costs? Did you work your way through school? Did your folks help with costs, in part or in total? Did you come out of school with a massive student loan debt, and no decent jobs to pay it off? And what do you plan to do/or what have you done education-wise for your own children?
Time to weigh in.  All opinions are valid.


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