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Sunday, July 1, 2012

The frugality of not doing

by Lili Mounce

This past week was one of those busy, busy weeks. We had the great delight of my father-in-law visiting us for the week. I was involved in a lot of active frugality in the days leading up to his visit and all throughout the week. My level of busy-ness was akin to the week leading up to Christmas. This coming week, even though it is a holiday week, I wish to have it easier. Less stress, less fuss, less doing.

When most folks think about frugality, images of baking or cooking from scratch, repairing home and car, and scouring the stores for bargains come to mind.

There's also a simpler side to frugal living -- the not doing. For me, that means, the sitting out on the deck under the umbrella on a sunny day, sipping a glass of iced tea, and just enjoying the beauty of the extensive greenery which is our backyard.

The not doing is every man for himself breakfasts of toast and milk or coffee, and me enjoying the quiet of the morning without a rush to be off somewhere.

The not doing is a fire in the fire bowl in the twilight hours, on the patio, with the family gathered about sometimes in conversation, sometimes in thought.

After a week of a lot of activity, I find I need to be still for a bit. This may be the week to dive into my pile of books from the library, spend an afternoon looking for shells and sea glass at the quiet beach near us (we have two beaches nearby, one always busy, another almost undiscovered), or spend a bit of time outdoors cutting an armload of flowers to bring inside.

Home Depot's slogan is "More saving. More doing". Well, maybe I don't want to follow the Home Depot model this week. A week of not doing seems to be on the calendar instead. Or maybe not. It could be I just need one or two days of calm to rev me back up for new projects. What are some of your favorite ways to be frugal while not doing?

My slogan for the next week? "Still saving. Not doing."


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