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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The List: My August to-do list

by Lili Mounce

Are you a list maker? Do you find you get more accomplished if you make lists? Or is list making just another mode of procrastination for you?

I do make lists. But for the most part, I keep them simple, short and easy to accomplish. On the list, I put things that must get done, or else things will not run smoothly, a few things that would be really nice to get done, and will improve our family home life, and one or two things that are reach items on my list, those things that, wow, would be awesome if I get to them, but life won't fall apart if I don't.

Off in the left-hand sidebar is my August to-do list. These are those things I want to get taken care of this month. Some of them are just business, like making an appointment to have the furnace cleaned. Some are shopping (which can be fun), like stopping in at a bakery thrift for bread later in the month. Some are cooking and some are projects. I like both. And one or two are just plain work, like getting the firewood stacked and cleaning out the pantry. Those will be satisfying to take care of, but will be work.

I'll tackle each item as the time seems appropriate. Washing quilts to hang outdoors and paint outdoor furniture will be best suited for early in the month, while it's still warm and sunny. Some items will be done towards the end of the month, as the new school year gets closer.

I've posted my list as a way to keep myself on track. And if anything on the list sparks an idea in you, that would be great, too. Now, to pose the question again, are you a list-maker?


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