Stay Connected

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

I just want to wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas. May your blessings be too numerous to count.

May you feel the sheer delight of Christmas, as that of a child, blind to any imperfections in the day.
May the gifts you receive be those of friendship, love, kindness and joy.
May your table be full, with both food and guests, and
may your home be warmed with a loved one's embrace.
May you be surprised by someone lost, but not forgotten.
And may God light your path on Christmas and beyond.

I'm taking a few days off this week and next. I won't be posting again until the early hours of Jan. 3, 2013. I may make brief updates on my facebook page, but otherwise I'll look forward to our written exchanges here on creative savv, again, in the new year.

Merry Christmas,


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Creative savv is seeking new voices.


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