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Monday, June 3, 2013

JOY! It's a joy-filled day!

No, I'm not celebrating anything in particular. Just counting my many small blessings, that when all totaled, amount to  ONE BIG, FAT, BLESSED LIFE.

I am strong, capable, and healthy. My mind is sound. I can tackle problems and find solutions. I am resilient. I persevere.

I have friends and family who have my back when I need them. And more importantly, my friends and family need me, giving my daily life its purpose.

My car runs. My home gives me shelter. I have clothing that doesn't look like rags. I have an abundance of food. My wallet is not empty. My bills are paid.

The flowers in my garden are blooming. The strawberries are ripening. The birds' song each morning reminds me that it is June.

The days are long. The sun is high. It clears the trees and fills our yard with brightness. The morning light comes in through the kitchen window with our breakfast.

The dishes are done. The kitchen is swept. My day awaits.

I haven't a thing to complain about. The minor inconveniences of life are not worthy of a complaint. Who could complain? I have so many blessings to be thankful for.


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