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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Turns out you don't even need the sun to make Sun Tea

So it was a cloudy morning yesterday. The sun didn't peek through until after it would have been on the deck (pesky trees, the sun goes behind them around 2 PM).

Anyways, I poured cold tap water into a large tea pot and added 3 small tea bags (well, 2 bags and 1 tea ball).

I left it sitting on the kitchen counter at about 68 degrees F all day. To my surprise, by 3 PM I had tea about the strength of my sun tea. It probably would have become stronger with heat. But this was just fine for me. I let the pot of tea sit on the counter until bedtime, when I put it in the fridge.

This morning, I have cold tea, ready and waiting for me. I can heat a cup in the microwave or drink it over ice. No electricity or sun needed to "brew" a pot of tea.

I never would have thought . . .


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