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Monday, December 2, 2013

Busy weekend, and some freebies

14 free pumpkins at the home and garden center

Thanksgiving weekend is now behind us, but Christmas is just around the corner! It was a busy weekend here. The Thanksgiving gathering of friends and family. The post-Thanksgiving clean-up, early Friday shopping, playing chauffeur to teen daughters for their various projects (the university quarter is coming to a close and they are scrambling to get it all done), church on Sunday morning, and friends coming over in the afternoon to make gifts together -- all totaled to a very busy weekend.

gifts some friends and I made -- knit headbands,
bags of cider/wine mulling spices,
tin of lemon-rosemary finishing salt, and gift tags

Friday, we did go out for a bit of shopping, as I'd said we'd planned. Can't beat half-price socks and free donuts and juice. In addition to this stop, we swung by the home and garden center. Every year, just after Thanksgiving, this store puts their pumpkins, gourds and corn stalks out for free. Now that's my favorite price! They had a large mountain of free pumpkins, so I was able to get 14 small ones. 7 of the small pumpkins had lost their stems already, so I immediately began cooking them up. Each pumpkin yielded about 2 cups of cooked puree (enough for a pie or double batch of pumpkin bread).

Saturday's mail yielded one more freebie -- another $10 gift card to Kohl's. I'll use this for a gift for a family member. I'm actually getting quite close to being done with my Christmas shopping. Now I feel that I can focus more on the true meaning of the season.

It was one busy weekend, but full of fun and fellowship. What were the highlights of your weekend?


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