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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Different strokes . . .

So often, other families make choices with their lives that we just don't understand. There's a reason we don't understand why a person chooses to do something one way, when our own, and different way makes better sense to us. We simply don't know the details and background of their lives that bring them to their choice.

What works for me might not work for you.

I make yogurt regularly. On Tuesday, I made 5 quarts of plain yogurt. I saved several dollars by making that yogurt. But making yogurt might not be the right choice for you. Let's say you only like yogurt a little. Would it really be worth spending a couple of hours to just make a little bit of yogurt? You may conclude that you're money and time is better spent buying small amounts of commercial yogurt when the price fits your budget.

Our family eats a lot of beans. We save a small fortune on our groceries by eating beans in place of meat, several days per week. Does that mean that every frugal family "needs" to eat loads and loads of beans? What if eating beans has a disastrous after-effect on your body? You may decide that you'd be better off saving in other ways, and skip the beans.

I lived rent-free in my parents' home for a couple of years in my early 20s. Was this right or wrong of my parents? Did not having to pay rent lead me to a life of financial irresponsibility? They had their reasons for allowing me to live there rent-free. While we didn't have a formal agreement, I'm certain I was allowed to live there for free as an enticement to get me to stay there, for the remaining years of my mom's life. I became her after-hours care-giver, before and after the nurse was there for her daily 8-hour shift. Cancer left my mom physically disabled, and she wanted to remain in our home and care for all of us (my brother was still in high school at that time), as best she could for those last months. My being there allowed her to continue being "mom".

As many of you know, our grown son still lives at home. He pays us a small rent each month. You may be thinking that he should be out of the house at his age. But you don't know the circumstances which have led us to keep him living here. Circumstances change, and he'll be moving on to his own place when that happens.

This has been an extremely difficult year for our family, financially. Many of you have probably wondered why I just don't get a full-time job (I do work 1 day outside the home for pay), and ease our financial stress. Well, you don't know the particulars that have drawn us to the conclusion that me still at home is the best situation for our family, right now. Again, our family's circumstances will eventually allow for me to have more time for other pursuits.

As bloggers, we tend to only show you the "pretty" side to our lives. The messy side we leave shut behind closed blog doors. This isn't to deceive you into thinking our lives are wonderful. We assume that you know that no one's life is perfect. Keeping the messier aspects of our lives behind closed doors provides privacy for those we love, our families. We should all be entitled to a little bit of privacy in dealing with our own difficulties, don't you think?

I once judged someone (in my mind) for using a Keurig-style coffee maker. "What are they thinking? That's about $1 per cup of coffee!" My own coffee costs about 10 cents per cup. Surely, my way is the better way. But what if this couple had previously been spending a small fortune keeping Starbucks' stockholders happy? Then even a $1 cup of coffee would be saving them money. I enjoy a great cup of coffee, too. If I had the money for K-cups, I know I'd enjoy them, and maybe drink less coffee in the end.

Sometimes, we just don't know why others make the choices that they do. And sometimes, they don't know why we've come to our own conclusions. Take what works and leave the rest.


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