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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The harvest is almost done!! Yippee!!

My daughters are now back in classes. Yesterday was the first day of autumn quarter. I spent the day stocking the fridge with quick and easy to grab foods for the whole family, and harvesting the last of the late apples.

My daughters did a herculean job with the harvest. The three of us did what 5 of us usually do. The girls gave up their 2-week vacation and helped with harvesting and preserving. And so, I have promised them some sort of vacation this coming winter. Don't know what that will be yet, but something fun.

There are still crabapples, late pears and cranberries to harvest, later in October. I am hoping that my son and husband will have time to help with those fruits. Harvesting is a large job. But the rewards will be evident this winter, when we'll have this home-grown fruit on our table.

I am still figuring out how our schedule will work this fall. My daughters have many evening activities (requiring my chauffeuring skills), an irregular morning schedule (some days one of the earliest buses, other days the latest bus), and new Sunday obligations (both morning and afternoon -- choir related).  I find that working this all out is best done on paper. I made out a schedule, and am seeing which days look more intense than the rest, so that I can figure my own around-the-house work schedule accordingly.

I have a bunch of stuff to tell you all, and will get to it over the next week. For now, here's what our family is eating for lunches this week:

  • cinnamon-pumpkin-applesauce (about 1/2 cup of canned pumpkin stirred into applesauce, with a hint of cinnamon -- quite good, and packs some extra Vit. A and fiber)
  • a casserole of baked beans, chipotle sausage, tomatoes and onions
  • pumpkin muffins (they bake faster than pumpkin bread, saving electricity) with cream cheese
  • carrot sticks and peanut butter (no kidding, my daughters like peanut butter as a spread/dip for carrot sticks)
  • pumpkin-peanut smoothies
  • apple cobbler
  • yogurt
  • apples
  • toasted cheese sandwiches
  • leftover refried beans and tortillas from Sunday
This sounds like a whole lotta food, but we don't eat all of this everyday!!

Anyway, I'm looking forward to having a bit more time to keep up with all of you. Hope you're having a great week!


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