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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

This week's lunch round-up

Again, following with the idea of doing a small amount of cooking over the weekend, I made some pbj sandwiches, a container of carrot sticks, and a large batch of pumpkin muffins on Sunday, leaving me with less to make on Monday. For the week, this is what we're having for lunch:

  • pbj sandwiches
  • carrot sticks
  • pumpkin muffins with cream cheese
  • fresh apples
  • turkey-noodle-vegetable soup (made a large pot of soup for dinner on Monday, with enough leftovers for a couple of days of soup this week)
  • Greek yogurt parfaits (Greek yogurt, chopped nuts, granola, jam)
  • toasted cheese sandwiches (will make later in the week, as we run out of the above list of items)
  • tomato-basil soup (made from pureed, canned tomatoes, minced onions, basil, oregano, pepper, salt and thickened with a faux beurre manie (a paste of flour and oil instead of butter, to thicken at the last moment -- also, I'll make this later in the week, to round out the last bits for lunches)
Even when I don't make up all the lunch fixins' on one day, I find that if I plan it out for the week, ahead of time, that I know what to do and when, so that lunch-making is a simple task for all.


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