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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Wasting nothing -- fire starters

We have a fire ring on our patio that we use frequently in summer for cook-outs and making s'mores. These are fun and frugal family activities we enjoy every summer.

I know you're wondering, "why is she showing us garbage?"

We have an ample supply of wood, with deadfall from the wooded part of our lot. But our wood is often a tad damp, and needs a bit of help getting a fire lit.

We've used a variety of homemade fire starters over the years. But I think this one fills the role of "waste nothing", best.

When I drain meat or fried foods, I do so on a piece of brown paper bag. When I'm done with that fat-saturated piece of paper, I put it in a particular plastic bag in the freezer, my bag of fire starters. Then, any time we need to start the charcoal grill or the fire ring for cooking out, I have a greasy piece of paper ready to do the job.

I'm not using any "new" materials, nor am I using any materials which may have "other" value to them (like reselling egg cartons, saving items for craft projects, or candle wax, from used candles, that I want to use to make small floating candles). I'm just using what was previously tossed in the garbage.

Now, it surprises me that I would have thrown that draining paper into the garbage, in the past.

If I could just come up with a homemade match to light the fire starter.


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