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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Cheap & Cheerful suppers for the last few days of June

As it's been the last week of the month, you can guess that we are down to the produce in my garden, some very old looking bananas, canned tomatoes, and a large bag of carrots. Which means, I've had to be somewhat inventive with meals. I'm also cleaning out the freezers, trying to make room for ground beef-10 lbs and fish-5 lbs (on sale this week at Cash & Carry). Chicken leg quarters on on sale again for 50 cents/lb. I'm on the fence as to whether or not to pick up another 40-lb case. But I can't buy any of those meats if there's not room to store them.

So here's what we had for dinner this past week:

chicken smothered in mock pesto (basil, garlic, olive oil, salt and black pepper, a mix of provolone and mozzarella -- no Parmesan, here, and no nuts)
rice topped with marinara sauce
fresh cherries
banana bread

refried bean tostadas w/ lettuce, cheese, quickie salsa, plain yogurt, fried corn tortillas
fresh cherries

ham and cheese sandwiches, with mock pesto as condiment (it was a hot day, and didn't want to heat the kitchen)
fresh cherries
greens topped with oven-roasted tomatoes

pbj sandwiches
spinach salad
ice cream sundaes

chicken, tomato, radish greens, cheese and pasta stove-top casserole
more ice cream

potato salad (using up leftover egg salad from last week)
marinated garbanzo beans and roasted tomatoes over lettuce
herbed rice "polenta", topped with quickie marinara sauce

radish greens, swiss chard and cheddar quiche
cream cheese and chive mashed potatoes
lettuce topped with leftover garbanzo bean-roasted tomato salad
blueberries and raspberries for dessert

What's been on your menu this last week of June? Do you find that you run out of any particular ingredients during that last week of the month?


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