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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

When a gallon of milk is just too much for our family

I didn't think this would happen so soon. I got a Woohoo kind of deal on milk last week (really, it says so right on the price tag). It was 99 cents a gallon, and I also received the senior discount, bringing my price to 89 cents. I bought 5 gallons. I froze 4 of the gallons, right away. Then we started in on the 5th gallon. In the past, the fact that the milk was 2 days just before the sell-by date wouldn't have been a problem for us. But last week, one of my kids caught a nasty cold, and doesn't drink milk with a cold. Another kid is still drinking a higher fat content milk. And, I don't drink cow's milk. So, it was up to my husband and one daughter to consume a gallon in a matter of days. I made a batch of granola, to encourage some of the family members to use up this milk. Obviously, though, we fell behind in our milk consumption. Here, we were, November 9, 4 days past the sell-by date. Time to make haste with the milk!!

So, what was I to do?

Well, how about a batch of pancakes and a small batch of vanilla pudding.

Remember all of those apples?

How about a batch of apple muffins.

Then a couple of glasses of milk poured for dinner. Notice, the glassware doesn't match;-)

And what was left, about 1  1/2 cups, was put into a container for the freezer, for future pancakes.

What else could I have done with the milk (it's skim, so it wouldn't work very well for yogurt)? This isn't an idle question, as the very same set of circumstances could exist next week, when I thaw one of the other gallons.


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