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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Double Chocolate Snack Cake With 4 Variations, Including Pumpkin Snack Cake

"Something special to eat. Nothing much to clean up." 
That was the tagline for Betty Crocker's Snackin' Cake mix of the 1970s. No mixing bowls. No fuss. You mixed everything for the cake right in the baking pan, using a fork. What could be easier, right? I remember the chocolate chip cake with great fondness.

The recipe that I'm sharing today is much like those mixes, only this is a scratch version, which means you can alter/tailor this recipe to suit your own needs and tastes and save money in the process!

So here you go! After the recipe, I've included the 4 variations, one of which is the Pumpkin Snack Cake that I made last week. And it should be noted, Pumpkin Snack Cake can easily become Applesauce Snack Cake or Sweet Potato Snack Cake or Winter Squash Snack Cake by substituting one of those cooked and pureed fruits or veggies. 

The other day, I iced the pumpkin snack cake with about 8 ounces of cream cheese frosting. It was delicious, and rich. So I cut the cake into 12 servings. Even so, by making 12 portions instead of 9, each serving only had 244 calories. Not too bad.

And here's the photo of what was left to be cleaned up. The measuring cup, fork, measuring spoon, and a large spoon (for scooping out the pumpkin from the container) and a rubber spatula (to get all the liquids out of the measuring cup).

You'll find this post, and many others like it, just a click away on this page -- a compilation of my recipes, shopping lists, and menu plans that illustrates how I feed my family of 4 adults on $125 to $135 per month.


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