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Monday, August 21, 2017


The Pacific Northwest is enmeshed in eclipse-mania today. It's all anyone was talking about at church yesterday. I know people who have traveled to Oregon to get a sighting of it in its totality. Those "special glasses" are sold-out throughout the Seattle area. The solar eclipse begins just after 9 AM and is complete by about 11:30 AM, in my area. Will you be in a spot to catch this eclipse?

Update: !0:20 AM
The yard is eerily darkened. Everywhere there is semi-shade from trees, there are these crescent-shaped light patches. I noticed them first in the back yard, then went out in front and the same thing on the driveway and the lawn. thought I'd share --

Obviously, I'm photographing them from different angles. IRL, they are all aligned the same direction.


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