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Monday, November 20, 2017

Hi there!

I hope you all had a great weekend! We celebrated a birthday last night at our house. I baked a cake and frosted it with cocoa buttercream frosting. I have to tell you about the cocoa powder that I used.

Has anyone here tried Hershey's Special Dark cocoa powder? This was by far the best cocoa powder that I have ever used. Cook's Illustrated ranked it highly, recently.

This is not the regular Hershey's cocoa powder. It has a very intense chocolatey taste, and is very dark in color. I used less of this cocoa powder than I would normally use of Winco's baking cocoa or Trader Joe's cocoa powder, and the flavor was richer. I was very pleased. And do you know what? My daughter bought this cocoa powder for something she was making, and she said that it was on sale, at the same price as the regular Hershey's cocoa. I believe that, regularly, the Special Dark cocoa is more expensive than the regular stuff, but the sale price was a steal. I'm a fan.

Anyway, I'm finishing up a project, dealing with birthdays, holidays, and a bug. I'll be back to normal posting very soon. Have a wonderful day!


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