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Friday, June 1, 2018

May 2018 Grocery shopping journal

May 1. Senior shopping day. It took me 3 and 1/2 hours from leaving my house to finishing putting everything away.

4 boxes whole wheat saltines, $1.07 each, cake mix (using a coupon), 75 cents, 5 boxes vanilla wafers, $1.43 each, 1-lb frozen wild blueberries, $3.14, canned biscuit dough, 45 cents, 12-oz frozen orange juice concentrate, $1.34, 18-ct box granola bars, $2.69, 7 8-ct packages hot dogs (for weekly cookouts, beginning this week), 75 cents, 5 boxes graham crackers, $2.15, 5 packages turkey bacon, $2.06, 1-lb butter, $2.20, 24-ct string cheese, $3.59, 2 boxes 12-ct granola bars, $1.81, 2 10-ct flour tortillas, 89 cents, 5 loaves whole wheat bread, $1.38, 30-ct corn tortilla, $1.16, 4 qts fruity yogurt, $1.34, 6 individual soy yogurt, 89 cents, 2 qts soy yogurt, $6.49, 5 dozen eggs, $1.79/dozen, taco seasoning, free, 3 48-oz bottles vegetable oil $1.49 each, 3 jars applesauce, $1.79, 1/2 gallon soy milk, $1.57, 4 packs top ramen, 25 cents, 3 bags oyster crackers, 71 cents, 3 gallons milk, $2.33, 32-oz maple syrup, $12.14, 16 bananas, 49 cents/lb, The "one thing" that each of us chose for ourselves included: a box of funfetti cake mix, for 75 cents (one daughter really wants to have cupcakes all month long), a package of salami, for 90 cents, a package of thin-sliced turkey lunch meat for $1.57, and 3 pot pies for $2.67.

Total spent $140.98

also bought whole wheat burger buns, $1.07, 10-ct homestyle burger patties, $8.10. This amount came out of a Mother's Day budget, in lieu if eating out.

I was tempted to buy boxed donuts or some other bakery treat. Instead, I bought a bag of frozen wild blueberries for making scratch blueberry muffins, waffles or pancakes 3 or 4 times. I saved some money over buying a ready-made treat, but more important to me was that I will be able to control the ingredients in scratch muffins. You might have noticed a lot of crackers this month. I had coupons to use on top of sales. I stocked up and hopefully will have a couple months' supply.

May 17. Getting a gallon of white vinegar ($2.29) at Fred Meyer. While there I also buy 1 gallon of 1% milk marked down to $1.29. Total spent $3.58

May 25. Dollar Tree for marshmallows and Hershey bars for making s'mores over the weekend. Spent $3

Total spent for May -- $147.56

I had a total of $173.93 for the month of May. I came in under by $26.37. That will roll into June's budget.  I won't write down what all I bought by category. I'm too tired.

I'm still here. I'm busy, stressed, tired, and old. I'll write more about what I'm up to very soon. I have a busy, busy week next week -- one daughter is graduating! Yay! I'm super-duper proud of her.
I hope you're all doing well. Have a great weekend!


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