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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

My Take on the Knitted Cosmetic Cloths

Live and learn asked if I would knit some of these for myself. The answer is -- I miscounted as I was knitting, and I had one leftover. So, I tried it out for myself to see what I thought. I love these! I was one of those women who either went to bed with a full face of make-up or used disposable, pre-moistened cloths on days that I wore foundation/tinted moisturizer or eye make-up. My two complaints against the commercial make-up wipes is that the ingredients are not compatible with my skin type so I needed to wash and moisturize afterward, taking time and energy that I’m not happy to spend late at night. And secondly, the cost and single-use aspect of a purchased, disposable product bother me. With the knitted cloths, I use a little of my moisturizer (which also happens to be the product that I use to I cleanse my face) and wipe off the foundation and eye products. I liked the way the knitted cloth worked so well that I began knitting more for myself. So, my answer is, yes, I am sold on the effectiveness and ease of these cloths. I will finish knitting a total of 4 of these cloths, my estimate for how many days per week I have anything on my face that needs removing.

With my daughters, one has tried them and likes them, and the other daughter has yet to try them out. So, we'll see what the verdict is with the younger generation, later.


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