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Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Why Do Companies Make Repairing Items Yourself So Difficult? And Why Are Some Items That Were Once Repairable, Not At All Repairable Now?

The spring rain barrel water from both barrels has been used up, and we are now onto using a combination of recycled kitchen water and municipal hose water. I save kitchen water from rinsing produce, dishes, and hands in a dishpan set in the sink. I directly water the garden with this water, primarily using it on areas where the hose doesn't reach easily. I have been using the sprayer on the hose to water individual vegetable garden beds. However, our garden is now so extensive, watering everything by hand, even with a sprayer, takes at least an hour each day. 

We have some older soaker hoses that were used in several ornamental beds and hedges to get those shrubs and perennials off to a good start, but really hadn't used them in recent years. So I set out to retrieve those hoses and discovered many of them had plant roots grown in through the hose itself. I tugged and pulled on ends until a couple of them simply ripped away from the anchored sections. Frustrating. I was able to salvage a couple soaker hoses using duct tape, but I lost several fittings or couplings from a couple, too. I thought Home Depot might carry repair parts, as that's where I originally bought the soaker hoses. No such luck. They did sell new soaker hoses, however. So it's not like soaker hoses are an obsolete method of watering. But no repair pieces. 

What really bothered me is this lack of an easy way to simply do my own repairs and keep the soaker hoses in operation. It reminds me of modern cars (and by modern I mean just the last 25-30 years). Who, here, remembers their dads or brothers working on their own cars, or "auto shop" as an elective in high school? I remember those things. Cars used to be repairable by the owner. Now you need a specialist to even diagnose the problem with many cars. Does anyone remember the kiosks, often in grocery stores near the front, where a vending machine sold television tubes? When the tube would go out, you would buy a replacement tube and do this simple repair yourself. Many of these 1960-era televisions were either open on the backside or had a removable panel screwed onto the back, making owner repair a do-able option. Now if your television quits, it's expected you'll dump the old set and buy a new one. 

Things made long ago lasted, not simply because they were made better, but also because they were repairable with parts readily available. 

I recently set up my sewing machine on a new-to-me sewing table. My parents gave this machine to me in 1981. It was a used and refurbished model at that time. I believe it was made in the mid-1970s, making it about 50 years old now. It's a basic machine that I've been able to maintain myself over the years. It still runs great, and I don't anticipate needing a new sewing machine in a decade, or maybe not at all. I was searching online for information about longevity of current machines. Most websites I read said some models may last 25 years, if you're lucky and you take good care of your machine. While I've been able to do all of the repairs needed on my machine, a new computerized model would require a specialized technician to complete repairs.

It just feels like so much stuff is unrepairable these days. When the plastic hanger on one of my hanging plant baskets broke, there was no way to just buy a new hanger.  I wound up using wire to secure the plastic element. And while not a beautiful repair job, it's serviceable for my needs.

Our 15 year old rechargeable lawn mower quit last summer mid-season. We still have our old push mower; but it's a chore to mow the lawn with the push mower, and we're not the spring chickens we once were. My husband contacted a small engine repair shop and they advised that we just buy a new mower. Repairing this 15 year old model wasn't feasible. It seems such a shame to trash this large item because the repairs cost more than a brand new model.

Back to the soaker hoses -- I guess I'll search Amazon for the type of repair pieces I need. I had hoped to find the couplings in a local hardware store, so I could see the pieces in person and know they were what I need. If stores like Home Depot and Ace Hardware still carry soaker hoses, and they also carry repair parts for regular hoses (different diameter hose), you would think they'd carry repair couplings for soaker hoses, too. Such a disappointment that I have to work so hard to do a basic fix on a basic garden implement.

Can you relate?

P.S. With the 2 intact soaker hoses, I was able to set up watering for 2 large vegetable beds. So my efforts weren't completely in vain. Win some, lose some.


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