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Monday, November 13, 2017

I'm working on a big project, plus have some other stuff

This week and next will be super busy for me. We have birthdays, Thanksgiving, a big project for me, and all of family life's other little things to tend to. I'm still living frugally, mostly by force of not having time to actually spend much money.

  • We still continue to cook all of our meals at home. 
  • I made laundry soap, again, as we ran out last week, and I haven't had time to buy more. (And by homemade laundry soap I mean I melted a bar of hotel soap in a pan of water, and just use the gloppy, melted soap for the laundry.) Homemade laundry soap doesn't remove stains or whiten as well for us as commercial detergent, but it cleans the fabric (gets dirt and oil out, just not stains) well enough in a pinch. 
  • I used a gift card and coupon to order myself a new fleece jacket, as my old one now has several holes and bald spots (13 years old and worn daily for 9 months of the year). I can sew up the holes, but I can't reweave the bald spots. Besides, as it is balding, it doesn't keep me warm like it used to. 
  • I used the library for books that I needed, instead of buying the books. 
  • My daughter used a coupon code for Redbox for a free movie that she wanted to see. 
  • I made a so-so dinner on Friday; we ate it anyway, and remedied the blandness at the table with a small pitcher of soy sauce for everyone to add.
  • My daughter made Monday's dinner in advance. She will be home late tonight, so she put together a casserole on Sunday, which just needs heating, and everyone can serve themselves.
  • We received the gift of pumpkin-spice coffee creamer on Friday, so we've been enjoying flavored beverages all weekend, for no extra cost.
  • I watched a show on my laptop, through, for free. We don't have cable or satellite, just rabbit ears.
  • I continue to use up what we have, such as face cream samples, hotel soap and shampoo samples, perfume samples, and a brand of vitamins which I don't enjoy as much as another brand, but we have them, so I'm finishing them.
What's new in your life? How was your weekend? I hope that your week is off to a great start. 


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