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Monday, July 2, 2012

8/16/12 Cheap gas daily update -- Mukilteo, Lynnwood, Everett,WA

Thursday AM
           Costco in Everett on 19th SE and 102nd St -- $3.75/gal. regular (membership required)
           ARCO at 164th and Motor Pl., Lynnwood -- $3.85/ gal. regular
           Costco in Lynnwood on 99 at 188th -- $3.70/gal.regular
           QFC at 176th and Highway 99, Lynnwood -- $3.73/gal.regular
           7-11 at Beverly Park Rd and Muk Speedway, Mukilteo -- $3.77/gal.regular       

for more gas prices in the Seattle area, go to 
Gas prices in the Seattle area are on the rise again this week. National average is up about 15 cents a gallon since last week. Crude oil futures have risen by about $7 a barrel in a little over one week.

ARCO in Renton with gas for $3.67/gal. regular.National average is just over $3.69 a gal./regular and crude oil is trading at about $95.00 a barrel.

Something to consider, if you heat your home with oil, you may want to fill your tank now, while prices are still favorable.


  1. I saw gas at 3.17 cash yesterday!! Woohoo! I love that it keeps going down! Cheap gas hunting is one of my favorite games hahaha.

    1. Me too! I hate to pay more for something that doesn't give me any more value!
      Wow! $3.17, that is cheap! Wish we had prices that low here! Maybe soon! (wishful thinking)
      Thanks for the comment!

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