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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Random good stuff for the day

by Lili Mounce

Some days I notice the good stuff more than other days. Here are just some random things that put a smile on my face yesterday.

These roses -- perfectly in bloom. I cut two sprays and brought them into the kitchen where we'll all receive enjoyment just admiring their beauty.

A free short, Bold Pick of the Day and a cheese danish at Starbucks for me, a grande chocolatey chip frapp for my daughters (they asked for an extra cup and shared the one large drink). The short at Starbucks is not listed on their menu, but it's smaller (and cheaper) than the other sizes. The Bold Pick of the Day, is always excellent. Typically, I'll drink almost half of it black, then add half and half and raw sugar, to the rest, for an extra good cup of coffee.

These treats were free to us, as I used a gift card, given as a thank you gift from our church's MOPS group, for babysitting this past year.

Driving up to the house, and seeing the beautiful job that the Hubs and son did on our driveway. So nice, I ran into the house to grab the camera for a photo.

Sourdough bread -- I'm out of bread, and low on sugar this week. Sourdough and French bread only call for a couple of teaspoons of sugar. This recipe uses yeast and has a faster turn around time from start to finish than Yukon Jack-style sourdough (without commercial yeast).

The blueberries are beginning to ripen. My kids and I picked a bunch of blueberries and raspberries to have on pancakes for dinner tonight. Some nights I just want pancakes or waffles for dinner.

One of my daughters is happily sewing herself a dress. She bought all the materials for it with a check from Grandpa. And the really happy part for me -- she no longer gets frustrated with sewing, and figures a lot of things out for herself.

A smile is one of the free things in life. What good stuff have you noticed, that brought a smile to your face?
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