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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Happy highlights of my week

baking peanut butter cookies, using a cookie stamp in place of a fork to mark the tops

 daisies from The White Garden fill a jar on the kitchen table

checking out the pears on the trees in the front yard -- looks good for this year

making sweet cherry preserves to enjoy on English muffins

how about you? what have been your happy highlights this week?


  1. Oh my, what gorgeous looking cookies! They look like sand dollars. Thanks for the reminder about the good things in life. Couldn't have come at a better time. Wishing you a terrific day.

    1. Hi Jayne,
      Thank you! I hadn't thought about it, but they DO look like sand dollars.
      I hope your day is wonderful, as well!

  2. The cookies are beautiful that way!

    Happy highlight - zinnias galore in the garden :)

    1. Hi Jen,
      Oh I wish I could see your zinnias! I have one zinnia plant in a pot, and it's so sunny looking.

  3. How pretty! All your pictures are lovely and summer-ific.

    I've recently discovered a fun baking Every recipe I've tried has been terrific and she has lots of helpful baking tips that I wasn't aware of. That's been one of my happy highlights lately.

    1. Hi Kris,
      I took at a peek at The bread recipe she had there yesterday with Parmesan looks so yummy! Thanks for sharing that web address!

  4. Those pears look really tasty :) My happy highlight this week was roasting marshmallows over a fire at a friend's party - even if it was freezing!

    1. Hi Economies,
      I think it's so much fun to roast marshmallows, whether it's cold or warm out. I love trying to get the perfect golden color (mine often burn, though), and watching them puff up. Then eating the gooey, sticky sweetness. Plus they hardly have any calories!

  5. Those cookies do look like sand dollars! I will have to see what I can find... those would be kind of cool for a bake sale. What is my happy highlight? Finding a great deal on black berries, cherries and corn and having time to can it all back! 4 jar of bb preserves, 6 pints of cherry pre-pie filling, and 12 pints of corn! Also picking broccoli, raspberries and peas from my garden! Thank you for you blog, it sure puts a smile on my face! Lisa

    1. Hi Lisa,
      Your canning sounds like you'll be having some wonderful meals this winter! Can I come for dinner?
      Thank you for your king words. They mean a lot to me!

    2. oops, should proof read. meant to say, "kind words"

  6. hello lili,
    mmmh the cookies makes me hungry.the pears on the tree looking wonderful.thank you for all the nice happy highlight is the first harvest of cucumber.
    wish you a nice day,
    hugs regina

    1. Oh, lucky you, Regina! I am several weeks away from cucumbers that are ready to pick! But we're enjoying other veggies from the garden, so I can't complain.
      Have a wonderful day!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. One of my happy highlights this week are tomatoes from the garden. I love them!

    1. Hi live and learn,
      vine-ripe tomatoes -- double yum!!!

  9. Your cherry preserves wouldn't last long here, but we didn't have enough cherries that survived to make any.

    1. Hi Lois,
      Oh, that's a shame you didn't have many cherries this year! But you've had many other wonderful fruits and veggies, I'm sure!


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