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Friday, November 29, 2013

Any Black Friday shoppers out there?

I'll be going out to pick up socks, half off. But then I'll come back home, to decorate for the holidays, and bake cookies.

We'll look through our stash of movies, get out a puzzle, and have a fun family afternoon. Dinner will, of course, be leftovers. We'll choose one of the movies we got out earlier, and have dinner while watching a movie.

Black Friday is my day to relax. What are your plans for today?


  1. We didn't quite have the relaxing day that you described. Three out of the four of us had to work. Only my husband didn't make it to work because of flat tire that turned into needing four new tires. When that was done, we had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner with my family at my sister's house which unfortunately my son did not get to attend because of a crisis at work.

    1. Hi live and learn,
      Oh no! I hope that Saturday and Sunday were much more relaxed days for you and your family.

  2. We don't have Black Friday here in Australia, but we do have Boxing Day sales the day after Christmas. I used to go when I was younger, but now would much rather relax at home, since I can't think of anything I would need.

    1. Hi Liz,
      My mom used to shop the sales the day after Christmas. She'd stock up on gift wrap and Christmas cards for the next year. But I really don't remember spectacular sales the day after Thanksgiving when I was younger.
      Good for you, just relaxing the day after Christmas!


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