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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My two daughters' recipe for Curried Carrot Soup

Curried Carrot Soup

Another winter vegetable dish for the frugal kitchen.

When my kids find recipes that they do very well, I learned early on that I should just step back and let them "own" that recipe. Why stomp all over their success by making a recipe that they've learned to do very well?!

My two daughters have a cake with caramel sauce and fudge topping that is "theirs".

They do biscuits much better than mine.

And they have this tasty carrot soup recipe that they make for family dinners, every so often.

It's super frugal, calling for carrots, curry powder, onion, broth, oil and water. That's it!

I wish I had photos to share the how-to's. But when the kids are working in the kitchen, I make myself scarce!

Here's the link:
Curried Carrot Soup


  1. That does look good. I've been trying to use up the last of our garden carrots before they all go soft. I'll give this a whirl.

    1. Hi there!
      You can swirl in a spoonful of plain yogurt for a creamy, last-minute touch. Also, read the comments/reviews on the site. There are some other good suggestions for varying the recipe slightly.

  2. Thank you for the recipe site. Carrots were $1.99 for a 5 pound bag the other week. This soup would be very economical to make for me. What do your daughters make to go with it?

    1. Hi Kath,
      The girls usually make "their" biscuits to go with it. A salad on the side, with some nuts or cheese would add some protein.
      $1.99 for 5 lbs is a good price, mid-winter on carrots. I hope you stocked up and your family loves carrots!

    2. I bought 2 bags, 10 pounds. That is a lot of carrots for the four of us. I'm looking for different ways to fix them. So far it has been a lot of carrot sticks and cooked carrots with honey.

  3. Great advice, to let your girls own their recipe. I'll keep that in mind as I try to encourage cooking skills with my children.

    1. When you let your kids have their own recipes, be prepared for some interesting concoctions. One of my kids just liked to try things usually as a science experiment. Most of the time, they didn't work. The other one naturally had a good sense of what flavors might blend well and not surprisingly is the better cook today.

      It's all learning. Some guidance and some freedom. Both will make happy cooks out of your kids.

    2. My sister didn't have as much inclination towards cooking as I did, growing up. But my mom did identify a couple of dishes that my sister did very well with. And those became her contributions to family meals.

      Rather than focus on the things that my sister couldn't do, my mom highlighted those that she did well. And I think that has given my sister more courage to try a variety of recipes in the years since we were girls.

      I guess it like everything else in life with our kids, we help them find their strengths, and don't harp on their weaknesses too much.

  4. I just got two pounds of carrots for 59 cents. I'll have to give the soup a try. Also, I love to read the comments after the recipes. I get lots of good ideas from there.

    1. Hi live and learn,
      I hope you enjoy the soup. 59 cents for 2 lbs is a great price for carrots, for our area. I'm not seeing any deals on produce this month.


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