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Friday, February 14, 2014

Weekend brunch: waffle bar

On Saturday's, I make something special for breakfast, and make it substantial enough to call it brunch -- so I don't have to make lunch just a few hours later ;-) .

This past weekend, we had a waffle bar. I made whole wheat waffles, and set out several toppings to choose from: canned pineapple chunks, frozen strawberries (from last summer's garden), vanilla yogurt, maple syrup and whipped cream.

Other toppings that we've enjoyed include chopped nuts, dried fruit, cottage cheese, ham dices, banana slices, applesauce, fresh orange segments, shredded coconut, jam and jelly, blackberry syrup (homemade with wild-picked blackberries), frozen raspberries and blueberries (also from last summer's garden).

It's one of those whatever-I-have -on-hand sort of meals. I try to include a source of protein (besides the waffles themselves), some fruit and some fun stuff.

Waffle bars are always a hit with our family. I think that's due to having the opportunity to customize your own waffle.


  1. How neat! A waffle bar sounds fun. I can see why they are a big hit with your family. :)

    1. Hi Belinda,
      Thanks! I hope you're having a great Valentine's Day!

  2. You never cease to amaze. We have special breakfasts around here, but not every week. Once again, your family to very lucky to have you.

    1. Hi live and learn,
      Oh this is just my way of getting out of making lunch on Saturdays! I hate interrupting whatever I'm doing on a Saturday, to make lunch! Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. Mmm, that's my kind of meal. I love breakfast. Do you make your own vanilla yogurt? I have a blueberry sauce recipe (which I've also adapted for cherry sauce) and during the winter I will make that as a pancake topping. My husband also makes blueberry syrup. We try to take advantage of our local produce (and the mom in me likes it that there is nutrition and not just sugar in these toppings). You win the prize for the amounts of toppings, though. I like that you try to add protein as well. We have pancakes for lunch after church on Sundays and I try to have protein, too. Can I come over? :)

    1. Hi Kris,
      Yes, I just add some vanilla extract and sugar to the yogurt. If you've ever tried blending sugar into something think like yogurt, you'll know that it remains grainy for about 10 minutes. So, I make the vanilla yogurt before starting the waffles, and stir a few times. Then the sugar is fully incorporated by the time we put our waffles together. Of course, having honey would totally prevent that problem.

      Blueberry syrup sounds so wonderful. Blueberries may just be my favorite fruit -- you're very fortunate to live where they grow so well. We have a few blueberry bushes, but they're not exactly prolific.

      Door's always open! Hope you're having a fabulous Valentine's Day!

  4. That's great! Even better than a restaurant ;)

  5. I wanted to add one more "topping" you could add to your breakfast bar: Peanut butter! I got the idea from a friend's two younger brothers who would top their pancakes with it along with slices of fruit (usually bananas) and syrup. I kinda wondered at the genius of it since pancakes and waffles are basically another form of bread, essentially making it an open-face pb&j sandwich. ^_^

    1. Oh yum! that does sound good! Thanks for the suggestion!


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