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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Loveliness from days gone by

It's definitely allergy season for me. I find myself constantly fishing through my pockets and purse for tissues. My allergies begin with tree pollen in March and work their way through the grasses and weeds of summer. I could go through a lot of tissues in these months.

Tissues are fine for colds, but for allergies (or a teary wedding), I prefer to use a handkerchief. I have two other hankies, one that my grandmother gave to me on my high school graduation, and another that my mom gave to me on a trip that we took together to New York. I'll some day hand these down to my daughters, as they hold special meaning to me.

While in the vintage district a couple of weeks ago, I saw many lovely items. This handkerchief caught my eye. I still have last year's birthday money and two year's ago Christmas money to spend on things for myself. Just a little memento from my day with my daughters.

Handkerchiefs are soft, never pill and make a mess in my purse, and last for decades. Using a handkerchief is one of those gentle reminders of days gone by.


  1. Very pretty. I would probably want to display it somewhere.

    1. Hi Kris,
      It's already found its way into my purse! :)
      I did get an email this morning, from a friend who told me about what her sister-in-law did with several handkerchiefs. She made them into a quilt front. I bet it's beautiful!
      Have a wonderful day!

  2. Your handkerchief is really pretty. I used them when I was little, but not much after that. I just didn't like the crusty thing in my purse or pocket. I guess if it's just a little nose wipe, it would be okay. My father used them most of his life. He always had one in his pocket. He suffered from a lot of allergies, so they got a lot of use. He actually did wear them out and he got a new supply every year.

    1. Hi live and learn,
      I'll use your comments as a reminder to make sure mine get into the wash on a very regular basis! No crusty things in my purse!

    2. My Dad always has one in his pocket too. I seem to remember my mum boiling them up to clean them...which may be why I have never adopted the hanky habit. But it's been on my to-do list for a while to get some. I get hay fever too and they'd be much nicer on the nose!

    3. Hi Sarah,
      My dad always used handkerchiefs, as well. And my husband does too. We just throw them in the laundry. Boiling them would be quite a chore.

  3. I'm a big fan of cloth hankies, especially for allergies. It always seems like the disposable tissues have some sort of dust on them that actually makes my allergies worse. Mine are all just homemade hankies from scraps of old clothes, but that one is truly lovely!

    1. Hi Cat,
      You know, I've always felt there was something on tissues that made my eyes water. I thought it could be mold, because newspapers do the same thing to me (and I've heard its mold spores that attach themselves to the newsprint/ink).

  4. I buy them at garage sales :) I recommend looking at garage sales in your area; a friend of mine who shops in Washington for me manages to find a few for mre each time she is there. I always have them on my garage sale list..

    1. HI Brandy,
      I'll keep my eyes open when garage sale season begins. Thanks for the head's up!


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