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Friday, August 8, 2014

Just a thought for today

My kids and I were talking about our fruit trees, earlier this week. Our apples trees are bursting with apples this year, but there's not much on the pear trees.

We had an observation and a conclusion. We've never had all our fruit trees produce bumper crops. But then again, we've never had complete crop failure with our trees, either. There has always been enough fruit. That made us feel well-provided for.

All we have needed, Thy hand hath provided.


  1. What a beautiful observation, Lili.

    Morning by morning, new mercies I see ...

    1. I've had that hymn in my mind for days now. My heart is full of thankfulness.

  2. I so totally agree! Last year was much more abundant than this year. But we will have enough. Last year I put up lots and gave away some also. I still have some in the freezer.

    The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want......God so blesses us daily, we just need to notice more.

    Thank you , Lili....great way to start my day!

    1. Hi Linda,
      I find that once I take my eyes off myself and cast them on Him, that I see more blessings every day.

  3. There are blessings everywhere when we take time to look.

    1. Isn't that the truth! I can focus only on my own little life, and not see the blessings at all. Or I can choose to look for the greatness provided for us.

  4. Replies
    1. Absolutely, amen! May we all see the blessings so generously bestowed on us!

  5. Wonderful how that happens and wonderful that such a varied bounty can be provided. Life is full of good if we look for it.

    1. To be so faithfully looked after by our God is such a blessing.

  6. I can say no more than Amen!
    Jo Ann

    1. Yes, amen! And I'm thankful for my kids who are often the ones pointing out the many ways that we're blessed.

  7. Replies
    1. It's wonderful to feel so well-provided for!

  8. We have a walnut tree here and it doesn't produce every year, just every other year. I would love to have an apple tree, pear tree, and grape vines. We used to have peach trees, but both of them died.

    1. Hopefully your walnut tree is in a producing year this year!


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