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Friday, October 31, 2014

October grocery money journal -- spent $77.50 for the month

Not much to buy this month!! We need to make room in the freezers for turkeys and hams, so my shopping will reflect that.

Oct.4 QFC-- hoping for markdown milk. I find 6 gallons of whole milk for $2.29 each and a 10 oz container of mushrooms for $1.49. I spent $16.23. The mushrooms will be nice to add to vegetarian gravy. Most of the milk will go in the freezer.

Oct. 5 Dollar Tree. I pick up 3 quarts of soy milk and a 24 oz package of macaroni noodles. Spent $4. The macaroni is a regular at Dollar Tree, working out to 67cents per pound, a good price for our area.

Oct. 10 Cash and Carry wholesaler/restaurant supply. I need sugar, down to my last 1/2 cup. I buy 1 50-lb bag of sugar ($22.82), and while there find vegetable oil (soybean) in 35-lb container for $18.57. Spent $41.39.

Oct. 27 Dollar Tree to pick up 2 more quarts of soy milk. Spent $2

Oct. 28 Totally out of milk for rest of family. I had to buy a gallon of whole milk at QFC for $2.99. Only bought 1 gallon, and will hope to find marked down milk in the next few days. Spent $2.99

Total spent for the month, so far -- $66.61

Oct.30 Stop by QFC on way home from babysitting, hoping to find marked down milk, and YES!!, 11 half gallons of whole milk (what my daughter needs, and what I use for yogurt). I buy all 11 half gallons, at 99 cents each. Spent $10.89. Odd thing -- they also had gallon jugs of skim milk on markdown, but those were $2.59/gallon. By buying the half gallons, I only spent $1.98/gallon.

Some months, it's funny to look back at the month of grocery shopping and see what I actually bought. This month, I bought various milks, macaroni, mushrooms, vegetable oil and sugar. Doesn't sound like a whole lot of variety for the month, does it?

So, last month, we went over our budget, used up the surplus, and spent $63.17 into future months, for a carry forward deficit. Our budget for October is $160, less this deficit of $63.17, for a remaining amount of $96.83.

For the month of October, I spent $77.50. I finished the month with a surplus of $19.33. back on surplus territory -- that always feels so much more comfortable for me!


  1. Great job! Did you find a good deal on Halloween candy?

    1. Thanks, Ruthie!
      I actually got our trick-or-treat candy for free, this year. On Tuesday I washed dishes for a seniors' luncheon, and I was rewarded with some cake and a bowlful of trick-or-treat candy! I had been putting off buying any, as it just seems so over-priced for what it is.

      We only get about 15-20 trick-or-treaters at our place. The neighborhood adjacent to ours has houses closer together, with short driveways. I think most of the trick-or-treaters tick to what's easiest!

      Did you find a good deal on trick-or-treat candy?

  2. It's interesting to see the various prices of milk. The price of milk has started to come down in our area since Aldi's came in. I only wished this had happened when I had the two giant milk-drinkers living at home.

    1. Hi live and learn,
      now that would have really come i handy for your family as your boys were growing up!

  3. You'll find this amusing --- I was trying to read the computer screen without my glasses and thought this said $7,750. I immediately thought something impolite and wondered if you had bought new appliances and a cow. :-)

    Great prices on the milk. Daughter is having difficulty with milk and we've had to switch to lactose free. It never seems to be on sale and is more expensive than organic in my area. Totally

    1. Too funny, Shara! No cow here!

      Have you tried the lactase enzyme drops for treating regular milk? You can find them online, at Amazon, I think. I used these years ago, and it was a lot cheaper than the lactose-free dairy milk.


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