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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Last week of university quarter: a yummy lunch round-up

This is the last full week of classes for my daughters. Emotions are high. Projects need completing. Exams readied for.  Papers finished up (let's hope they've started!!). So, what does Mom do for her hungry brood? Make favorite foods, of course.

So, this week's lunch round-up:

  • cheese pizza (I made 4 large pizzas, one for dinner that night, 1 for the freezer, and 2 sliced up and ready to grab for lunches)
  • sausage and egg strata (individually packaged for quick, high protein breakfasts)
  • pumpkin muffins
  • red ants on a log (celery filled with peanut butter, topped with dried cranberries)
  • fresh oranges
To get through this last flurry of work, I've limited the amount of sweet stuff, and increased the protein. Hoping this helps my daughters (and the rest of the family will appreciate it, too).

On another note, it snowed here on Saturday. We got 4 inches, and it's still hanging around. Looks pretty, but it's slick on the roads in our neighborhood. Seattle is not exactly known for having a large plow/sanding/de-icing budget. But it will all be gone by the end of the week. While I complain about driving on the icy roads, I also try to enjoy the beauty we have in our yard.

The ultimate frugal Christmas decoration -- free snow!!

Have a great week!


  1. Careful on the icy roadways! All it takes is a little snow to create big headaches.

    Sounds like you have some good menu items to get through a stressful week. I'm busy trying to lose a few pounds after a nice but food-filled weekend with my in-laws.

    1. Hi Kris,
      oh I saw several accidents on Sunday, one just outside our neighborhood. It thawed some today. I'm hoping it doesn't freeze over tonight.

      It sounds like your Thanksgiving visit was pleasant, and delicious!

  2. What a wonderful mom you are, planning well for your daughters' stress times. Yes, snow is a gorgeous and super frugal decoration. Unless it lasts too long and you have to buy shovels, etc. Enjoy it while it lasts in your area.

    1. Hi Jayne,
      You know, we actually have 1 snow shovel. But nobody ever wants to actually get it out and use it. I think the price sticker is still on it, from 4 years ago!

  3. That's a respectable amount of snow. There's nothing prettier to see or more dangerous to drive on. Hope the roads are in good shape by now.

    1. Hi live and learn,
      It's been pretty to look at, but miserable to have to go out in. Even crossing the street to the mailbox feels treacherous. But it will be gone in just a matter of days.


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