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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

First day of fall, and . . . a tiny giveaway

So, you all know my giveaways are teeny-tiny, and few and far between. My apologies, but it is what it is.

I have a lot of shopping venues that I know many of you are not fortunate to have. I understand that. And it must be frustrating, at times, to read of a good deal I get n something, especially foods from the wholesaler (Cash & Carry). Well . . .

With the change of seasons, I'm already thinking and cooking with more of the sweet spices, like cinnamon, cloves, allspice, cardamom, nutmeg and ginger. Some spices are especially nice to have in whole form, for their appearance as well as flavor.

Whole cinnamon sticks were on sale last week at Cash & Carry. So, I bought an extra canister to send to one of you.

The postal limitation is to the continental U.S. (48 states). My coin purse isn't all that full, at the present, and postage goes sky-high when sending items outside of the 48 states.  I'm sorry about that.

So, if you're in the lower 48 (or you have an address I can send this to in the lower 48), and would like a canister of whole cinnamon sticks, just leave a comment, below.

I want to get this out to one of you quickly, so we'll end the entries at midnight PDT, Sept. 28.

In addition, if you'd like about a half-cup of whole cloves, I'll gladly add those to the package. Just so you know, these whole cloves would come out of my own canister (bought and opened a couple of months ago), not commercially sealed in a package, but poured out into a ziploc freezer bag. I can be a bit of a germ-a-phobe, so I understand if you would not want cloves from someone else's package. But I have plenty, more than I'll use in a year or two. If you didn't want to cook with them, they could also be used to make a pomander, or added to simmering spices.

So, that's about it for today. My daughters are on a 1-week break in between work and classes, so we're heading out for a girls-day.


  1. Hi Lili

    Go enjoy your day with the girls. They (children) certainly grow up fast and it is great the girls still like hanging with Mom! Here's hoping my son feels the same way in about 10 years (or 5y, or even 1y... he's almost 10 currently). I would love some cinnamon sticks, just about to use mine up! and cloves... no germaphob here... just building the immune system! :-) Also, it will get me out to pick up some cider... maybe a good way to start of Autumn! Hope your day is great! Lisa

  2. Oh the cinnamon and cloves would be a lovely taste of fall! Finally getting some cooler temps here in the deep south! Angela

  3. somehow today I cannot leave comments from internet explorer so I'm trying it in chrome.

    I would love to get some cinnamon sticks and cloves, so count me in.

    It's been a beautiful week here in Michigan with a another week to before we get some rain.


  4. Oh, how kind of you to do this giveaway! I'd love to be entered as I would use them in a Cranberry Wassail drink I make as it cools down (soon, I hope!). Thanks for the chance to win.

  5. Hi Lili,

    This is so generous! I was just in the grocery store yesterday contemplating a half gallon of apple cider. I love mulled cider and would put those cinnamon sticks to good use. I also love cranberry juice prepared in the same way, as Cat mentioned above.

    I have never made citrus pomanders, but that is one thing we tend to have in abundance down here. Cloves would be perfect for that. ;)

  6. Cinnamon and cloves - always welcome. Love your blog...


  7. I'd welcome cinnamon and/or cloves any day!

  8. I don't usually use cinammon sticks so that would be fun! Hope you and the girls have a good day. :)

  9. Enter my name, please. A lovely giveaway!

  10. Thank you for thinking of us. I would love both the cinnamon sticks and the cloves. Have fun with your daughters today. Susan

  11. How very sweet of you to think of us :) I would love some cinnamon sticks and cloves . I have also started using some sweet spices. I am praying for cooler weather it was 86 in San Diego today. Thank you for thinking of the readers . I hope you and your girls have a lovely day.
    Patti from San Diego

  12. When I see whole cinnamon sticks, it makes me think about when I was a little girl and I sucked on them like a piece of candy. When I think about it now, I'm surprised my mother let me do that.

    Anyway, what a nice give away that I'd like to put my name in the hat for.

  13. No need to enter my name, but I wanted to say, what a very sweet thing for you to do. Anyone would be lucky to receive these. :)

  14. I would love to be the recipient of such a gift! Pick me, pick me! Lol! Lona.

  15. Cinnamon and cloves are some of my favorite fall/winter scents. Thanks for the opportunity to win them!
    Mary from Portland

  16. What a lovely give away - so very thoughtful of you <3

    Enjoy fall!

  17. There's a lot of ways to use cinnamon sticks.


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