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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

A simple message

Very easy to do holiday decor. Self-explanatory for those who play Scrabble. Game tiles are from my mother's vintage 1940's Scrabble set. I also find spare tiles at vintage shops in the "antique" district near us. (Candles in the background are these jelly jar votive holders, using battery-op tea-lights.)


  1. ...And a Happy Thanksgiving to you also!!

    My twist for a possible get-together Friday might be heating the garage and putting tables and chairs in there for my large gathering. I have a string of Christmas lights that I might string up also. 2 space heaters might do the trick in keeping the place warm. Along with body heat might just work out.


    1. Hi Alice,
      That sounds like it might just work for you!
      I'm having a similar "where best to seat everybody" dilemma. I want us all to sit at one long table, which means butting 2 tables up against each other. It's quite long and extends into the hallway. My alternative is to swap furniture with the family room and dining room. The family room is a long and narrow room. But that all sounds like a lot of work.
      Oh well, it will all be fine, whichever way. Good luck getting everything all together for your gathering, Alice!

  2. I like that! I did one on my daughter's birthday for her. It's a great way to send messages to our loved ones. :)

    1. Hi Belinda,
      How wonderful! And I'm sure Bailey appreciated it!

      My kids and I were talking about using the Scrabble tiles for Advent, too. Maybe not changing messages everyday, but with every Advent Sunday. It would be a nice way to just put the busyness on pause each week.

      Have a lovely Thanksgiving!

  3. I've seen the Scrabble tile messages before and thought it was a fun idea. Maybe I'll have to "borrow" my mom's Scrabble game ...she's downsizing in preparation for moving in the next year and I don't think she'd mind. :)

    I like your Advent idea with changing the tiles weekly. My mom bought me one of those wooden Advent calendars a few years ago (with the little boxes--I liked this particular calendar because it has a Nativity scene on it) and every year I try to fit in different scriptures that the kids read every day (along with occasional fun treats)--I agree with you, we need to slow down and appreciate the real meaning of Christmas. I find, for myself, that I have to be very intentional about doing it or it just doesn't happen.

    1. Hi Kris,
      I think you'd enjoy having your mom's Scrabble game. I like the memories associated with my own mother's game.

      It is so hard to believe that we're discussing Advent calendars, already! I love the sounds of your calendar, putting scriptures as well as treats in the boxes. Sounds like a nice balance for your family.

      Have a great Thanksgiving!

  4. I really like the Scrabble tile message idea, Lili.
    A special Thanksgiving decoration I have is one that my mom made of fabric at least twenty years ago. It is a whimsical calico turkey holding a sign that says "Eat Beef"! It always makes me smile and brings good memories of my mom.

    1. Hi Mary,
      Oh that is funny! How very cute, and fun to have. Love it!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving ! Hope you figure out your seating arrangements. Sometimes
    I would offer hot chocolate or something like that for the furniture movers. Maybe your son and a couple of friends might consider doing it for you.I sometimes draw it out on a piece of paper this helps me. I am sure it will be lovely whatever you decide.

    1. Hi Patti,
      I was "pacing" it out to see how everything could fit better, this afternoon. I like your bribe of hot chocolate for helpers in the moving! And you're right, however we arrange table and chairs, it will all be fine. It's the friends and family who make the holiday, not how the chairs are arranged!

      Have a wonderful Thankgiving!


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