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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The 5-minute "floral" arrangement

Needing that special something to accent your holiday decor? Here's my 5-minute "floral" arrangement.

I took a brief break from cooking on Wednesday. Just needing to do something else for a minute or two.

I used my silver champagne cooler that never gets used for champagne, but that I hang on to anyways, because it was a wedding gift in a previous century. And I didn't polish it for this use, as I like the look of a slightly tarnished silver container for florals.

I also used a 1-quart canning jar. The photo shows a wide-mouth jar. After taking the picture I switched it out for a narrow-mouth jar (a better fit for the branches of cedar).

I put the canning jar inside the champagne cooler. A 1-quart jar is just the right height for this kind of cooler.

I went outside with my clippers and gave one of the cedars a bit of a trim. In the warmth of my kitchen, (and on the kitchen floor before I planned on mopping for guests), I trimmed all of the branches to the same length. I added water to the jar, and plopped in the branches.

I have a holiday floral pick wanting a home, so I added that, and voila . . . a lovely holiday accent for my kitchen counter.

And you know what? Writing this out actually took me more time that creating this arrangement.

Now it's back to cooking. This is my Thanksgiving Day post. I will be a tad busy in the morning, so I am posting this now, instead. I've got my stretchy-waist pants all set out for tomorrow (don't you just love that they add Spandex to everything now?) Hope you have a wonderful day with your family. I'll be back sometime Friday.

I've been richly blessed in this life. Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. I'm glad you told us that the urn is a champagne cooler. Apparently I'm not too savvy on these things. ;) It's really pretty as a floral arrangement and will transition well into Christmas, I think! Have a wonderful day tomorrow.

    1. Hi Kris,
      I guess I could have said it was a trophy of some sort!
      Wishing you a lovely Thanksgiving with family!

  2. A perfect solution! Love it! I caved this year, bought an artificial tree (between allergies, the mess, cats etc) it was time. I will miss the pine scent so plan on burying some cut boughs from the woods to scent the tree.

    1. Happy Thanksgiving, Carol!

      I think you will love the ease of an artificial tree. I never thought I'd love ours so much. Now I really do! But you're right about missing the scent of fresh-cut trees. Buying some cut boughs will be a good way to bring the scent of pine into your home. As we get closer to Christmas, I'll cut some boughs to do the same.

    2. It wasn't a typo, I plan on gathering some cut braches (from a friend's property) any burying them deep within the artificial trees braches or tagging on your pot pourri post, getting some woodland pine essential oils and coating a pinecone that I can attatch to the fake tree. Michael's carries it and I have a 50% (?) cpn .

    3. Hi Carol,
      got it, now! I just mis-read your comment. Good idea, and would really add fragrance to your artificial tree. I like your pinecone idea, and I may do the same with our tree.

  3. It looks beautiful, Lili. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. :)

    1. Thank you, Belinda!
      Enjoy the rest of your long weekend!

  4. Reading your blog has impacted my life tremendously...for that I am thankful. Not a day goes by that I don't think of your advice or example, and you have definitely shaped how I do things. Being so practical, I have never been one to adorn our home, neither my mother's. But your balance of practical and beauty has definitely peaked my awareness. Thank you for sharing and caring as you do. Our lives are made richer because of you and your blog!!



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