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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

From my portable greenhouse . . .

This is what I was able to glean from my flats of lettuce seedlings, in the portable greenhouse on the deck. It's the thinnings -- about 3 cups of loosely-packed, baby lettuce. I wanted to give each little seedling the best chance for growing healthy and big, so thinned to 1 seedling per planting cell. I'll be able to do this with another half-flat next week, too!

I added this little bit of lettuce to our tostadas, last night. I had been wanting some fresh lettuce, and here, now I have it -- only about 2 months earlier than if I'd started seeds directly in my garden!

Thank you for all of your kind words, yesterday! My daughter is feeling better today. So far, no one else has symptoms. I am praying it stays that way!

I'll get back on track, here, in the next day or so! Have a great day!


  1. Fresh lettuce and a healthy family. Yea!

  2. The fresh lettuce looks yummy.
    Glad your daughter is on the mend.

  3. Funny how just looking at your picture of lettuce makes me salivate. I'm definitely hungry for greens!

    Glad your daughter is getting better--hope the rest of you stay healthy.

  4. Great news that your daughter is better!! And you haven't gotten sick yourself. What a good investment, if it means you can extend the planting season by a few months!!


  5. Beautiful lettuce! Glad your daughter is feeling better. :)

  6. Glad to hear your daughter is feeling better! First harvest is always fun, too. :)

  7. Thank you, all of you, for kind thoughts about my daughter this week. I really do appreciate it!

    I am really enjoying having this greenhouse. It's just shelves wrapped in plastic, but it has already been a big help to getting seeds started and seedlings growing, several weeks before I could plant them out in the garden. We had a frost the other night and everything still did okay! Keeping fingers crossed!


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