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Saturday, February 20, 2016

What's blooming in my garden these days

Snow crocus -- they bloom earlier, are smaller, and more delicate in color
Giant crocus -- I have several spots of purple and white giant crocus
Primroses -- my favorite is this pale yellow one, but there's also white, pink and purple in my yard
Grecian Windflower -- it's an early bloomer for us
Petite Daffodils -- the petite ones bloom several weeks before the larger daffodils. They're about 10-12 inches tall and do fine in pots for us.
Here's a swath of purple and white giant crocus, near the front door. It's visible from the driveway. On a sunny day, when the blooms are open, it's a cheery sight when driving in.
Next to the kitchen door is a tiny dooryard garden of white and purple primrose, purple hyacinth, petite daffodils, some ground cover with tiny white blooms, later in spring, evergreens, violets, and lots of moss and rocks.


  1. We are having an unseasonably warm day here (50 degrees) and most of the snow has melted ... and the crocuses on the south side of the house bloomed! And the sun is shining ... life is good. :)

    Love your flowers.

  2. The flowers are so lovely:) I am glad you have so many flowers in the yard. Flowers always make me happy.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thank you, Patti! I hope you are surrounded by blooms, too!

  3. dear lili,
    wow many spring flowers bloom in your garden. it seems in your country is it warmer us in my part of the world.the petite daffoldis grow in my garden too.
    have a nice sunday,
    hugs regina

    1. Hi Regina,
      I live where we get the Pacific current, bringing warm-ish air even as far north as we are. There are some parts of the US, though, that are still experiencing a lot of cold, wintry weather. What you probably experience, though, is a burst of spring, all at once, in her glory. Which is also very lovely!
      Have a great day, Regina!

  4. You just gave me my smile for the morning looking at your spring bloomers. I don't know the exact varieties, but my little/petite daffodils are always among the last to bloom.

    1. Hi live and learn,
      I didn't realize that there were some petite daffodils that are later bloomers. I thought they were all of the early variety. Learn something new everyday!

  5. Beautiful, Lili! We've managed to keep our green grass this winter, due to such mild temps. And our hibiscus is still blooming, too. That might be a record, actually. It's nice to see color on these winter days.

    1. Hi Laura,
      As I drive around town, I am amazed at how much is in bloom already, here. I saw a camellia bush in full bloom on Saturday. Just unbelievable!
      Enjoy the beauty of your hibiscus!

  6. Gorgeous! Spring flowers are my favorite. You have so many!

    I have one daffodil blooming, hyacinths blooming and more about to, and tulips and more daffodils coming up.

    1. Hi cat,
      they're my favorite, too. The colors are so welcome after all the dark and gloom of December and January (and most years, February, here, too). They draw me out of the house and into the garden, on any dry day we have.

  7. We have neglected our home too long...our yard is the worst, and could use some color and TLC. I'm just not the decorating type, and don't like to spend money on anything not practical....maybe I just don't know what I am missing....


    1. Hi YHF,
      Well, we're all different in what we like. And that's okay. I'm a very visual person. What I see affects my moods and energy. So I try to make my surroundings as pleasurable to look at as possible.


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