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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Are You Planning for Easter, Yet?

I am. In part because I will have a lot going on near Easter; so I need to plan ahead. Also, it's been such a dreary winter and now spring, that I really want a lovely Easter.  Even if I don't find any deals or sales, I know that I can pull something together. This is what I currently have that is being saved, or that will be growing well enough by mid-April for harvesting:

  • ham from freezer 
  • canned sweet potatoes 
  • canned green beans and cream of mushroom soup for a casserole
  • rhubarb from the garden for a pie
  • Easter candy 
That covers most of the basics for easter dinner. I will be hoping for a good price on asparagus and potatoes. 

Some of this menu plan an be made ahead and frozen; and some can be made a day or two before, and heated at the last minute. The sweet potato casserole actually freezes quite well, as do the baked pies. Green bean casserole can be assembled a day or two ahead. That leaves the ham and anything extra for Easter Sunday.

For Easter breakfast, I think I will keep it simple, some canned pineapple juice from the freezer, and an overnight crockpot casserole, using potatoes, eggs and turkey bacon (freezer, again). 


  1. We don't do a special Easter breakfast, as we need to get out the door quickly, but our church does a brunch so I need to be thinking about what to bring for that. My husband will cook dinner. I finished up shopping for Easter baskets this week, as I anticipate my schedule will be getting busier in April. It's fun to plan ahead for a special day.

  2. Easter is coming in about three weeks and I'm glad it's late this year! I have a ham I bought a couple of weeks ago and I even have a turkey if I decide to do both! I will see what the freezer holds since most of my meal will come from there.

    Our church has their version of a brunch but it is all sweet items and that is not something my overweight young adults (and me!) need. I think a breakfast casserole sounds good so maybe I'll do that or baked french toast. I have all the ingredients for both of those in the freezer so that's a great idea!

    The home project has started this morning. The big bay window has rotten wood on the underside and under the window so that is the first problem. We have been advised to remove the glass shower door and put in a curtain. Doors tend to leak water through the hinges creating problems on the floor so we'll do that. I'm expecting issues so we'll deal with them as they come!


  3. My FIL kind of put me in charge of planning the Easter menu this year. He & my MIL are overwhelmed with my SIL's health issues right now. We'll get together the week before Easter (about 25 of us), then my family will be joining my extended family on Easter Sunday.

    FIL wants lamb for sure. I also suggested adding a ham as lots of kids don't especially like lamb. All the teenage boy cousins can really plow through food. Dad said he would buy the meat. The rest of the menu will be filled out by my other SIL & me. We both have large families, so we're used to cooking big.

    I'm glad that even though the family is going through a stressful time, we still will make the effort to get together. We can already see God working in so many ways. Melissa


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