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Monday, April 3, 2017

April and All of the Great Opportunities for Frugal Entertainment

April is the month of fruit tree blossoms in my garden. The month begins with the pears and cherries, and finishes with the plum and apple trees. From a frugal living standpoint, what I love about spring and summer is the opportunity for cheap or free entertainment. Some of my favorite frugal fun this time of year:

  • weekend picnics at the park
  • donut breakfasts at the beach
  • visits to the botanical gardens
  • croquet on the lawn
  • cutting flowers from my garden
  • planting the summer vegetable garden
  • soaking up the sunshine on the deck
  • Saturday night hot dog cook-outs around the fire ring
  • a cup of coffee with a friend, sitting on the patio at the coffee shop, which overlooks the beach
  • gallery strolling in the nearby, old town artsy area
  • going to the "expensive" garden center to look and get ideas, then Home Depot to buy 
What would you add to a springtime frugal entertainment list?


  1. Good Morning, Lili,

    Mine list isn't frugal to start with but it is a one time effort. All of our projects are happening in a span of two weeks. The windows replacement, the new bathroom, and door project is halfway done as of last week. This week is the properly installed/redone underground electric and gas to the barn. There were frayed wires and none of it was in protective enclosures like conduit so it is dangerous. Getting it all redone because we lost 220 power to the workshop already. There will be digging and I'm very stressed. When all those things are done, it's done. Then I can begin getting back to frugality.

    I'm looking forward to being in the porch, grilling (even though my grill is also on it's last legs!), mowing the lawn, hanging clothes on the clothesline, sitting in the sun or shade, tinkering around the yard, taking walks, morning coffee outside on our bench.

    We have started our walking and though my legs, thighs, shins, are all screaming in pain, we have been walking between 3.25 and 3.75 miles each day.


    1. Hi Alice,
      Wow, you've got a lot of work going on at your house. I feel for you, as all of that chaos is hard in the meantime. But it will soon be done, and then you can just relax and enjoy life again. Good job on the walking! I need to get back into that. I'll add walks as frugal entertainment.
      Have a great day, Alice!

  2. I would add some bird watching in there and feeding them if it is allowed. One of the parks in Chattanooga does not allow feeding the birds, so we can't do it there, but other places are OK. We love to watch the Canadian geese, ducks, sand hill cranes, they are so much fun to watch. And we have a huge woodpecker here that is fun to watch as well as the hummingbirds.

    1. Hi Belinda,
      Bird watching sounds like a great frugal entertainment. I'll add that to my own list, too! We're not supposed to feed the geese at parks, here, either. I know of a place where feeding the ducks is encouraged, and they have small machines selling handfuls of duck food/cracked corn. I used to take my children their when they were small. I think it's time to revisit that spot.
      Have a great day, Belinda!

  3. My springtime frugal activities I look forward to:
    Fishing in our pond
    Mushroom hunting
    Working in my flowers
    Picking Asparagus and Rhubarb...when it is time
    Feeding the Hummingbirds...not also cheap as we get quite a few
    Long walks
    Reading outside in the screened in porch
    Hanging out laundry
    Starting the garden
    Picnics when it is finally warm enough...sometimes that is more like summer here in IN
    Grilling out
    Starting to have more company as people can go outside and fitting everyone inside isn't as much an issue when having a gathering
    The county activities begin like farmer's markets and festivals where we can see friends and acquaintances.
    Yes, spring is so welcome!

    1. Hi Linda,
      Mushroom hunting sounds interesting. Is this something in which you've had some training? I had forgotten about the farmer's markets. Even when we don't buy anything, it's a fun Saturday afternoon. I will be starting the vegetable garden later this week, if the weather cooperates. It's another rainy day, today, so I'll have to wait!
      Have a wonderful day, Linda!


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