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Thursday, May 4, 2017

Cheap & Cheerful Suppers for Early May

  • cheese, spinach, onion and olive pizza, really good (the spinach was thawed, frozen spinach)
  • cole slaw
Saturday (husband cooks)
  • noodles in peanut sauce
  • pumpkin with almonds
Sunday (husband cooks)
  • pasta with tomato sauce
  • cheese biscuits
  • whole wheat pasta with
  • ground beef marinara sauce (made with tomato paste, onions, garlic, seasonings and ground beef)
  • cheese to top the pasta
  • spinach and onions sauteed in ham fat and oil
  • pumpkin snack cake
  • scrambled eggs
  • garden kale, onions, garlic, sauteed in oil and soy sauce
  • brown rice
  • last of the pumpkin snack cake
  • egg salad sandwiches
  • canned corn, blended with last of some tomato pasta sauce
  • carrot sticks
  • pot roast, with onion gravy
  • mushrooms, carrots, and potatoes
I put into practice some of the ideas and inspirations from the survey a couple of weeks ago. I made a large batch of pasta sauce, and froze a bunch to have handy for future meals. (Pasta noodles were one of the quick supper ingredients to have on hand, and spaghetti made with jarred or frozen sauce was one of the top go-to meals for busy nights.) I made a quasi-breakfast for dinner on Tuesday, with scrambled eggs, some veggies and rice. Thursday, before leaving for the museum in the morning, I put a pot roast into the crockpot; then when I returned in the afternoon, I added the carrots, mushrooms and potatoes. It all worked well, this week, and gave me time to do some other things.

So, how did your week go? Any quick-cooking meals this week that you'd like to share with us? I have another survey idea. Would you be interested in answering a 1 or 2 question survey in about a week?

Have a great weekend!


  1. Good for you! Great meals.

    I ended up having to change my dinner plan for tonight (long story ...). We needed to be ready to be out the door by 5:30 and I worked today, so I had to think quickly. Not the meal I'm most proud of, as I used convenience items, but I made a Bisquick chicken pot pie with leftover chicken that I had on hand. Tasty, quick, and the cookware all fit in the dishwasher. :)

    Sure, I'd be happy to answer another questionnaire.

    1. My son loves chicken pot pie with Bisquick. When he visits this weekend, I'm going to suggest that for his dinner rotation. He's on a rice kick now.

    2. Hi Kris,
      Using convenience items has its place in quick suppers. Everyone was fed. It all tasted good. And you didn't need to go get take-out. So I think that's a good thing. And you did all of this on a day when you worked outside the home. You can be proud of this dinner!
      Have a great weekend, Kris!

  2. Was the pasta sauce on Monday night just a makeover of the sauce from the night before? I like to do that sometimes.

    1. Hi live and learn,
      2 different sauces. But the Sunday night sauce is what was mixed with corn on Wednesday. I had everything set for a meat and tomato pasta dish for Monday, and my husband made his own tomato sauce on Sunday. I could have changed my plans, but I didn't want to, as I'd planned to make enough for the freezer.
      I do that too, often with soups, where the second night I add just a little more of something to stretch the soup, and change it up a bit.
      Have a great weekend, live and learn!

  3. Yes, I would be happy to participate in another survey.

  4. Our quick cooking meals this week were absolutely nothing. I haven't been eating much of anything this week. Too much stress and I have skipped more meals than I ate. I just couldn't stomach anything.

    Surveys are quite nice. I'll help!


    1. I'm so sorry, Alice. I wish I could fix this for you! I hope your weekend is full of pleasant surprises.

  5. Yes to another survey. Your meals sound delicious. Especially, the egg salad sandwiches. I never thought of blending corn with pasta sauce. Was it in place of a soup? The sautéed kale with soy sauce sounds delicious. My husband does a similar version but adds lemon juice, no onions. Do you sautee swiss chard that way too? We've only served our chard boiled then topped with sugar, soy sauce and sesame oil. We love dwarf kale in soups too. I'm sure kale, even the thick leaf dinosaur kale will taste great as a pizza topping like the frozen spinach on your pizza that turned out great. We've topped our pizza with frozen garden basil leaves, and that is my favorite topping. I have odd taste preferences, so I may not speak for many lol

    Have a great day!!


    1. Hi YHF,
      It was just a small amount of tomato sauce, so really just flavored the corn. I tend to do all leafy greens in just a handful of ways, with onions, garlic and soy sauce, with canned tomatoes, onions, garlic, or in quiche or frittata. I need to branch out, I think. Your chard with sugar soy sauce and sesame oil sounds tasty. I may try that.
      Have a wonderful weekend, YHF!

    2. Please do try this. Everyone who has tried this, can't get enough. But that may be our local island taste. We are partial to teriyaki anything. The ratio of soy sauce to sugar for the sauce is 2:1, then add sesame oil to taste. So less in sugar than teriyaki, which is closer to 1:1. My husband keeps the sauce in a bottle and we drizzle over the chard in our individual plates, rather than doing it in the serving dish.


  6. I'm currently cleaning out the freezer as it was full enough that it was getting hard to find anywhere to put anything, so a clean out was in progress for the last few weeks. It looks so much better right now. I have a lot of eggs on hand from before and after Easter sales, so I cooked up a bunch of those this weekend to have throughout the week. We made a big pasta salad to have for lunches this week. I also made a cabbage stir fry using one of those already preshredded coleslaw bags and a red onion. They are so quick and easy. We really like them too. Your meals sound good, Lili. I would be glad to do another survey. :)

    Hope you have a great week. :)

  7. Sure, on the survey! Especially if you share results again! I was out of state on a hiking trip with my dad May 2nd through 9th and am just catching up on posts missed while gone. I planned simple meals ahead for my family to make while gone and thoroughly enjoyed the break from cooking myself (made up instant oatmeal packets, a "cappuccino" mixture, and so on to have for some meals but they were just heat water and add).


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