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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Sorry I haven't been around much lately

I'm tired, have a lot of work to do, am dealing with some rotten stuff in my life, and I'm pretty much a downer to be around.  What I know is this . . . life won't always be exactly as it is today. I'll be back very soon.


  1. I'm so sorry that you're struggling. I hope things get better soon. In the meantime take good care of yourself! Big Hugs!

  2. (((((Lili)))))Hugs to you. I'm sorry for whatever it is you are going through and wish you only the very best. This too shall pass.

  3. Know you are in my prayers! "This too shall pass!" Sending a hug!

  4. Things will be looking up soon. Until then, take care of yourself.

  5. So sorry to hear that. Just said a prayer for strength and for things to improve. Hugs.

  6. I go through those emotional roller coasters too. It does help to lighten your load on as many added responsibilities that are not essential. And be kind to yourself in not expecting perfection because there are too many factors that are not in your control. For me, I've noticed that when I'm feeling upset about a situation, it is because I expect a different result and I blame myself for not being able to affect the outcome. When I catch myself thinking this way, I feel better almost immediately knowing that sometimes it is my expectations that is the problem, and faulty thinking that sheer will or hard work may have produced a better outcome. Not true, there are too many factors to which I don't have control.

    I hope you feel better soon.


  7. As my dear mother used to tell me, this too shall pass. I hope it does soon.

  8. Dear friend Lili,

    We all go through some tough times so I won't say "it will get better" because I don't know the circumstances. I will say that I'll pray for you. I'm sad that you are going through rotten things. You've said many a prayer for me during all my difficult dark days so I'll do the same for you and especially that God would lift the difficulties and bring you joy.


  9. Praying for you, Lili. That you may know the peace that passes all understanding & know better the God of hope who provides us that peace. It's just not always fun to get there :( Melissa

  10. Hugs! Take time to take care of yourself.

  11. Life is hard. We, too, have had some extremely trying circumstances. I have taken comfort knowing that in the end everything will be okay.

  12. Sending prayers and uplifting thoughts your way, Lili. Take time and take care, and we will be right here when you return.

  13. Praying for you Lili. I am praying for comfort and wisdom. I hope it will resolve soon.

  14. Sorry to hear it, Lili. Take extra good care of yourself and here's wishing you all the best during a difficult time.....

  15. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, Lili.

  16. I am praying for clarity in your thoughts, discernment in your decisions and that peace will be your companion as you move through this period of your life.

  17. Still praying for you! Take care, Chicago Gran

  18. Thinking of you Lili, and wishing you well xx

  19. Hang in there Lili!
    God will give you the strength to get through your troubles.
    Sending (((((((hugs)))))))

    Jo Ann

  20. Ditto from all the above comments. Take time, recharge and look for the sun. Peace for you and yours. Lisa

  21. Continuing to think of you Lili...


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