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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy New Year!

Greetings, friends!

I woke up to this on Christmas morning!

It has been several weeks since I posted last. I wasn't ready to come back until this week. December was a bittersweet month. Some sadness, some joy. But January is here, and a new year of hope is upon us. Even without losing a friend or providing support for a family member's illness, December is always a difficult month for me. Life feels like it gets narrower in December. In contrast, January ushers in an openness and broad expanses of possibilities. And so, I am very grateful to be in the new year.

My January "Haul" 

This morning was Senior Discount Day for me. One daughter was home with me so the two of us did the shopping together. January's grocery shopping should be much more frugal than November's and December's. I took advantage of several coupons, stacked with discount on store-brand products, and spent $51.42. I'll also need to make 1 trip to Cash & Carry for a couple of items. Even so, I don't think I will spend more than $150.00 on food for the month. I spent a lot in December, so I hope to make up for some of the overspending in the early months of 2018. We're off to a great start! On the 1st, we went to Goodwill and I spent a grand total of 28cents (something for next Christmas), one daughter bought nothing, and the other bought a jacket (her money, not mine). And today, the daughter who came shopping with me treated me to lunch out. (We split a burger and fries at our local Shake 'N Go.)

I'm back to posting on my blog, but for the next few weeks, I will likely post just a few times per week. I hope that you had a lovely holiday and are primed for 2018. Happy new year!


  1. Happy New Year, Lili! I truly hope this is a happier year for you in all ways.

    1. And I'm wishing you and your family blessings this year, live and learn!

  2. Happy New Year! I hope 2018 brings good things for you.

    1. Mary, happy new year to you and your family, too!

  3. The holidays are bittersweet for me too, so I'm always glad when it's over and I can look forward to new things. Wishing you and yours the very best for a happy New Year!

    1. Thanks, Cat. Here's to a happy year ahead for you!

  4. Happy New Year! I understand the happy and sad of December. Missed you though....but am thankful when you can post and am always blessed by them.

    1. Happy new year, Linda! Thank you for your kind words.

  5. It's so great to see you back posting, Lili. 've been wondering where you were, so glad you're back. I'm sorry for your loss. It is tough to lose a good friend.

    1. Thank you, Belinda. Wishing you and your family a blessed year!

  6. So happy to "see" you Lili! Hope 2018 will be better! Looking forward to your daily posts. I miss them when there not there. You keep me accountable in many aspects and I love that so much.


    1. Hi Alice, that's so sweet of you to say. I'll try to get more posts done. It's hard to do when my thoughts are channeled in another direction. Wishing you blessings for 2018.

  7. Happy New Year! I pray for a happy 2018 for you!

    1. Thank you, Penpen. Likewise - as I type I am praying for a good 2018 for you and your family.

  8. Happy New Year Lilli:)
    December’s can be bittersweet as we remember individuals and traditions from our pasts.
    When new loss occurs in this season it seems even more accentuated.
    I hope you were able to find supports( sounds like your family surrounds you with love:) when you were caregiving during this busy holiday season.
    Glad to see you are back and posting. Glad you were also able to put it on the back burner when others needs presented.

    1. Hi Teresa, you're so very right. I think so many of us feel the bittersweet in December. Thanks for the kind words and understanding. For about a month I felt I had no additional mental energy to direct toward anything. Wishing you and your family a blessed 2018!

  9. Sorry about the loss of a friend as well as your family member's ongoing illness. I think November and December are hectic months without added stresses like that, so I can imagine you have been feeling wiped out. Hopefully January is a time of renewal for you.

    Very pretty snowy picture you have! We are experiencing a LOT of snow now--some years are like that, and this is one of them. Nice to have snow for the holidays.

    1. Thank you, Kris.
      I can imagine your snow! Your kids must be loving it all. Wishing you blessings in 2018!

  10. Happy New Year!

    I'm sorry that December was such a rough month and for your loss. Take care of yourself in the process!

    1. Hi Shara,
      Thank you. And new year's blessings to you, too!

  11. Lovely snowy picture. We are preparing for snow here tonight, which is a bit unusual for us.

    Glad to have you back on whatever frequency is right for you Lili. Our Christmas this year was like yours- a loss and a joy. Makes it tough.

    Wishing you only good things in 2018.

    1. I'm sorry for your loss, as well, Lynn. Blessings to you and your family in 2018. Enjoy your snow. I love watching the snow come down.

  12. Glad to hear that you are doing fine and looking forward to the new year. My resolution this year is to be a positive thinker. I heard someone say today that there is positive in everything, so that is why we should find and believe in the positive. I think it is easy to forget that and only look for negatives.

    Have a great day,


    1. Hi YHF, Best of wishes with your resolution! I think we can all benefit from some positivity. Wishing you blessings in 2018!


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