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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Update on My Life This Week

Hi Friends,
I am pre-occupied this week. My father-in-law is on end-of-life care at the hospital right now. He is 97 years young and has lived his life to the fullest right up until this past October, when he had a bad fall. He lived in a nursing home near my family for a couple of months, providing so many opportunities for us to enjoy time together. He has read my blog from its inception and even linked to it from his own blog. His name is Dr. Robert H. Mounce, and he is primarily known as a New Testament scholar, although his career was expansive. My family has been blessed to know him and learn from his example.

I do have other things that I want to "talk" about with you all, but just don't have the time to type it all out right now. I'll be back very soon, though.
Take care,


  1. Oh Lili, I'm so sorry for you, your husband and your family. It sounds like Dr. Mounce has had a long life that was well lived. What a gift to have had extended time with him. Hugs, prayers and peace to all.

  2. God bless your family at this time.
    Jo Ann

  3. It doesn't matter how long someone has lived or if there is time to say goodbye, it's always hard to lose them. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  4. You and yours are in my prayers and thoughts! This is never easy no matter the age.....treasure your time together....and know you will be together again! Sending hugs!

  5. As the others have said, it's not easy to say goodbye. Prayers going out for you and your family.

  6. Praying for you and your extended family during this difficult time.


  7. Lili, take the time you need. We all will be quietly thinking of and praying for you. Your FIL sounds like a wonderful man and I'm glad you have had time together.

  8. Sending good thoughts and prayers, Lili

  9. My thoughts and prayers, too, to you and your family. It is inspiring to hear of your father-in-law's courage and love to live a good life, as much as it hurts to hear when someone gives up. How one person lives affects the rest of us.



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