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Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Nutty Rhubarb Coleslaw

I've been mulling over the idea of using rhubarb in non-desserts for the past couple of weeks. As I have so much tender, young rhubarb right now, I wanted to offset some of the other ingredients that I have to purchase by adding rhubarb in their place. The idea of coleslaw sounded promising, and I still have a couple of heads of cabbage from my purchase in mid-March. I tried it for my own lunch and was so impressed that I decided to make a large batch for our family dinner. This salad received a huge thumbs up from my family members.

A few things to keep in mind:
  • use tender, crisp young stalks. Thin stalks seemed to work well for me. Older, thicker stalks may be too stringy to slice thin.
  • I used the slicing blade on my food processor. A mandolin would also work very well. Basically, you want very thin slices. With my food processor, I had less of a stringy mess at the end if I didn't use the pusher that forces the stalks through the feed tube. I just allowed the stalks to "fall" through the tube, then picked out the larger chunks after slicing.
  • Which brings me to this, you'll want to pick out any large pieces that didn't slice into nice thin bit. You can chop this and freeze to add to a batch of rhubarb sauce, or just compost it if you have plenty of rhubarb growing right now.
thinly sliced spring rhubarb
chopped, toasted almonds
shredded cabbage


Now this is as close to a recipe as I have, for now. Use about 1 part rhubarb, 2/3 part chopped, toasted almonds, 5 to 6 parts shredded cabbage. Toss with a dressing of mayonnaise mixed with a dash of vinegar, pinch of salt, and one or two spoonfuls of granulated sugar. This should be a sweet, creamy dressing.

Rhubarb and ginger are natural a natural pair. A bit of diced, crystallized ginger would be a wonderful addition to this salad. 


  1. You make all of these rhubarb dishes sound so good, I wonder if I should try it again. My grandmother had a patch of it and we usually had it cooked in various ways. I didn't like it much then, but tastes can change.

    1. Hi live and learn,
      tastes can change. But also, rhubarb just doesn't taste very good to some people. I can understand that.

  2. I really only like rhubarb in a strawberry/rhubarb jam, strawberry/rhubarb dessert and my mom makes a rhubarb custard pudding which is very good. I might like the coleslaw with rhubarb in it. Might give it a try.


    1. Hi Alice,
      have you ever tried vanilla rhubarb jam. That stuff is really yummy. I made a rhubarb custard dessert earlier this week. It was just my regular rhubarb custard pie recipe minus the crust. That was a hit in my house, too. I really do like this cole slaw. I had more of it today with lunch and even as leftover slaw it was delicious. And not too rhubarb-y.


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