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Monday, December 23, 2019

Some Holiday Photos

My two daughters built this gingerbread creation. Does anyone have a guess as to what it is?

Here's another angle. Any guesses?

A couple of photos from the treat tins

Homemade blackberry syrup, using blackberries we picked last summer,
then decanted into a repurposed maple syrup bottle

the label on the front of the bottle --
cropped screenshot of blank circular label, clip-art blackberries,
and text box overlayed onto round label

back label, both labels affixed with shipping tape

tin filled with pancake mix and syrup

tin filled with spiced nuts and peanut butter fudge

snowmen marshmallows packed up alongside homemade cocoa mix

tin with ginger cookies, thin mint cookies (wrapped in baggie
to prevent "spread" of mint flavor), white chocolate covered pretzels

top tin filled with assorted holiday teas

Thank you for the Christmas wishes. 
I'll be back soon. Wishing you and your family a lovely Christmas or Hanukkah.


  1. Merry Christmas to you, as well!

    Hmm, no, I don't know what your daughters have created, but it sure looks tasty! As do your lovely tins. I especially like your syrup with the label.

    Hoping you and all of the readers of your blog have a blessed season!

  2. Hi Kris,
    I'll tell you what it's not. It's not an igloo. I guessed that.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family, Kris!

  3. Merry Christmas, Lili!
    and Merry Christmas to the other commenters!

    No I do not know what the creation is.


  4. Ward and I both thought that it looked like legs sticking out of the bottom. So is it a gingerbread house on top of the Wicked Witch of the West?

  5. Good guess, Live and Learn. But not the Wicked Witch. You are on the right track with a theme of the movies -- just more recent blockbuster movies.

    Merry Christmas, Live and Learn!

  6. Your gift tins are lovely. Is it a yurt?

    Midwest Girl

  7. I would love any one of the tins as a gift. I also thought it looked like a yurt

  8. Not a yurt, Midwest Girl.
    Merry Christmas!

  9. Hi Marybeth,
    Thank you! I can see why it looks like a yurt, after all I thought it was an igloo. But it's something else.
    Merry Christmas!

  10. Hi Kris,
    You're getting very close!

  11. I just realized my hints are off -- not movie, but TV. Moment of confusion on my part.

  12. Starship Enterprise?

    - Tina

  13. Hi Tina,
    You got it! My daughters are calling the "Ginger-prise." The two of them are huge Star Trek fans.
    Have a very merry Christmas, Tina!

  14. How beautiful, Lii. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  15. Merry Christmas abd a wonderful New Year, Lili and everyone!!



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