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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Pendant Stars and Mantel

the mantel above the fireplace

Here's how the pendant stars look above the mantel with the rest of this year's Christmas decor pieces -- simply done. I had thought about making some smaller stars, as well, but this time of year is so busy that I thought I should skip them. So, here are the 5 stars.

I had a bit of trouble getting them to stay attached to the ceiling. I ended up sandwiching the knotted end of the suspending threads between a couple of flat glue dots, then attaching to a glue dot that was pressed onto the ceiling. Before, the threads would work their way apart from the glue dots and completely detach. This seems to be holding for now. The removable glue dots are great, though, as far as not marring the paint in any way. They come right off of painted walls and ceilings. There is a non-removable version, however, which does take paint off of walls -- just a warning.

For the rest of the mantel, I've reused the sheet music (Joy to the World) and ribbons that wrap around the pillar candles. (I posted about that a couple of years ago, here.) In addition, I added a stack of Christmas-themed books and some red ornaments piled in a compote. You really can't see this in the photo, but I have a pearl and glass bead garland threaded across the mantel. These are all items that I have in my stash of decorative stuff. Like most of you, I have a lot of decorative Christmas stuff. There's no need to go out and buy anything new. Instead, I simply find new ways to use the old stuff each year.

By the way, the sheet music that is wrapped around the candles is just something I found online for free to print out at home. The sheet music for a favorite Christmas carol makes a nice piece of gift wrap for a small present, as well, in case you run short of gift wrap.

I hope your week is going well!


  1. Very elegant, Lili. I read your previous comment about the music sheet trees and I thought the same thing--that you could just print off sheet music from an online source. Years ago I had a friend who made her own Christmas cards and to do so she printed off Christmas music as her cover page and personalized the inside. I love music so I enjoyed her efforts. It's so fun to see people's ideas and creativity--thanks for sharing yours!

  2. Thank you, Kris. Oh, I love the idea of making Christmas cards with sheet music as the cover. I'll save that idea for the future. Thank you for that! I've seen sheet music used for decoupage on painted furniture that looked very nice. I think there could be many decorative uses for free sheet music printed out from the internet.

  3. I have been trying to decorate our mantle today. I have certain nostalgic things I want to display from my parents, grandparents, and from friends. They don't exactly make a decorative package, but I think I've come up with a decent arrangement. Better than last year, anyway. As we continue to live in this house, we are learning how things fit.

    Your mantle is beautiful and just your style.

  4. Live and Learn, that sounds so nice to be using items from people who you hold dear in your heart. I'm sure that every time you look upon those items you will find joy.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Live and Learn!

  5. Oh, the pendant stars look lovely! I probably shouldn't admit this but have done no decorating yet. Not that I really do a whole lot other than the tree and some things on our dining room wall. Last night, one of my kids taped a picture of a tree on the clock on the living room wall as a hint about putting up the tree, so maybe tonight we'll get that done, lol.


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