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Thursday, March 17, 2022

A Day of Mixed Emotions for Me

Hi friends,

Just a quick note from me today. It's my daughters' birthday and we're trying to make it special. Just baked a scratch funfetti cake. The batter was tasty, so I hope the cake is as well. They wanted deep-dish pizza for dinner, so we'll be putting that together in an hour or so.

For those of you who pray, could I ask you to pray for some of my family? I have 4 family members with significant health issues right now. Two have cancer, one is hospitalized and waiting for tests, the fourth is waiting on results of a biopsy. I'm sad beyond belief right now.

I will probably not write up our supper menus for this past week. I will be back on Monday afternoon/evening. Have a wonderful weekend, all. And for any prayers, my heart is grateful.


  1. So sorry about your family's health concerns. Sending up prayers now. I hope you can set aside your sadness for awhile during your birthday celebration for your daughters.

  2. Prayers for your family members.

  3. My prayers are with your family and that God would give you some peace today.

  4. Praying for your family members and you also! Asking that you feel God's presence and caring and that He provides all your family members need in each situation. Also wishes that you all still find much joy in celebrating this special day with your two wonderful daughters.

  5. Prayers for you and your family, special friend!

  6. Lili, sending positive thoughts and prayers to you and your family and wishing all of you the strength to move forward.

  7. Sending positive thoughts and prayers to you and your family. May you find comfort knowing you and your loved ones are not along - you have a virtual family that cares and hopes for the best outcome.


  8. Sending prayers for healing, comfort and peace. May your daughters' birthdays lift your spirits and provide you some joy.

  9. I did pray for you and your family. I know the stress and uncertainty of a cancer diagnosis. I think I mentioned it a couple of years ago, but the dr. found a growth in my lung. It was diagnosed as lung cancer - even though I have never smoked. They were able to remove it - thankfully it was small = no lymph nodes were affected so I didn't need chemo or radiation. I go in every 6 months for a CT scan, which gets very unnerving. I just had my scan a couple of days ago and am grateful for a clean scan. Nothing gets your attention like a cancer diagnosis. Please know that my thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you!

    1. Ruthie, I am relieved for you for the clean CT scan. Each day is a blessing.

  10. I'm praying for you and for your family members. May God make it easy with ease and bless them with patience and resilience during this difficult time.

  11. Oh Lili, I am sorry to hear of the health concerns for your family. Holding you and your family in prayer. Tears are your love leaking out.

  12. Thank you, all of you, for your prayers and positive thoughts. I can't tell you how much your prayers mean to me. Thank you.


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