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Thursday, October 13, 2022

Cheap & Cheerful Suppers for Mid-October



homemade pepperoni pizza
roasted garden beets
tossed garden salad
spiced fig-applesauce (pureed sweet preserved unripe figs blended with applesauce, cinnamon, and ginger)



pan-seared garlic green beans
tossed garden salad


Sunday cookout and movie (we watched ET)

hot dogs (buns optional)
tossed garden salad
garden summer squash
scratch apple pie (using our apples -- the apples that squirrels and raccoons knocked off the trees, I picked up, cut off blemishes/bruises, chopped and froze for pies and crisps)



beefy chili soup
cornbread, garlic sticks, crackers
fall garden salad -- radish greens and roots, roasted carrots and beets
blackberry cobbler



roast whole chicken and gravy
oven-roasted root vegetables
pan-seared garlic green beans
cornbread stuffing (using the last of cornbread made last week)
blackberry cobbler (leftover from last week)


leftover chicken used in stir fry with green beans
fruit salad of apples and fall raspberries
leftover apple pie


hot chicken sandwiches (chicken in gravy over a slice of bread)
roasted purple potatoes
baked apples
carrot leaf soup (pureed carrot leaves, a couple of small garden carrots, diced onion, instant mashed potatoes, chicken bouillon -- I used the whole stems of the carrot leaves, some of which were fibrous. After pureeing the soup, it still seemed like there were fibers, so I pressed the soup through a mesh sieve. The end result was an absolutely delicious soup.)

Our Friday movie nights have shifted to Sunday movie nights for October. One daughter has a role in a theater production and performances are Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday matinees throughout October. Since she's the big film enthusiast, we wouldn't want to do a movie night without her. But I still made pizza on Friday because I couldn't wait until Sunday to have pizza again. LOL!

I had some pumpkin eggnog that I bought on markdown 2 weeks ago. I froze some, but still we didn't drink the rest. So I made a batch of eggnog scones, using this recipe. The batch was large, so I froze some of the scones to bring out later. We've had scones for breakfasts and snacks the last couple of days.

I decanted the first jar of blackberry vinegar this week. The finished vinegar has a mild blackberry aroma. I've been using this vinegar in salad dressing this week.

Our garden is still producing enough for our meals, thankfully. In addition to what's listed here, we also made a pot of cream of sorrel and squash blossom soup, multiple tomato sandwiches, a few tossed salads, and ate fresh apples and frozen blackberries for our fruit. 

As you can see, our meals are turning more and more autumnal with each week, lots of root veggies, hearty dishes, and soups. I have hated saying goodbye to summer (foods and weather), but at least autumn has some really great foods to enjoy.

That's what was on my menu. What did you eat this past week?


  1. Again, you meals look fantastic!
    We had cream of tomato soup for a starter on Sunday, then meatballs, boiled potatoes and french style green beans. Monday we went to our son's home to help with garage shelving and we had chicken patties on buns, with french fries. He made mac and cheese as well. Lunch was the leftover meatballs and potato and green beans. Tuesday was meatloaf, instant mashed potatoes and cabbage. We had dad over for dinner. Wed. was leftover from Tuesday. Thursday we had tortellini with spaghetti sauce and alfredo sauce with sausage and mozz. cheese. That is a very tasty casserole. Tonight will be leftovers from last night. I don't do much for Saturdays since it mostly is a take care of yourself kind of day and leftovers or snacks are usually eaten. Soups are what's for lunch and this week was cream of tomato and wild rice and chicken soup. I brought a lot to the kids and kept enough for our lunches. Mostly I have a very small mug and that's just enough to tide me over until dinner.

    1. Hi Alice,
      You had a busy week! And still you made delicious meals. With the tortellini casserole, do you layer the two sauces, is the whole thing made like lasagna? It sounds very hearty and tasty -- something my husband would love.
      Have a great weekend, Alice!

    2. Yes, a layer of tortellini, cooked sausage, half jar of alfredo, half jar of marinara, mozzarella cheese and then do it again. Bake until bubbly. It is so good. You can use ravioli too.

    3. Thanks, Alice. That sounds so good!

  2. Lili, you really are the master at providing nutritious, frugal, and varied meals. I can do that for a short time period, but don't have the staying power that you do. We had vegetable soup and vegetable lasagna last week. Not sure what else. Now its catch as catch can as we have three cases of COVID in the house.

    1. Hi Live and Learn,
      Saying a prayer for you and your family for a speedy recovery with no further complications. Take care of yourself and get as much rest as you can.

  3. Not many meals here this week. I was gone Saturday and Sunday, returning Monday evening. Saturday dd and I tried several restaurants at around 5 and they all had waits already so we ate at a fast food type noodle place that was good. I had pad Thai, and she had a Korean noodle bowl. Sunday we went to red lobster at 4, before the show. I had steak and lobster, and she had some sort of combo platter. Nothing Monday. Tuesday nite I made street tacos-a kit I got marked down at Fred meyer. Wednesday Dh was gone, so I had toast. Last nite Dh was still gone, but I did make myself salmon. Tonite we are having toasted turkey sandwiches on hoagie rolls.


    1. Hi Diane,
      Yum! It sounds like you had a great time in SLC -- restaurants and show. I love your dinner on Wednesday. That sounds like something I'd do, just make toast or a bowl of oatmeal.
      Have a great weekend, Diane!


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