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Thursday, December 22, 2022

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah, Friends

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas or happy Hanukkah. (I know, Hanukkah has now been celebrated  for several days already this year, but wishing a warm and meaningful rest of the week to you, friends.)

I will be spending the next 2 days cooking and cleaning, playing Christmas music obnoxiously loud, and generally getting the house ready for a visit from our son and daughter-in-law.

Those of you in the path of this incoming big storm, I pray for safety for you and your family. Stay safe. Stay warm.

Have a wonderful holiday weekend, friends. I'll be back next week!


  1. Merry Christmas, Lili, to you and your family!

    1. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Live and Learn. Have a wonderful time with loved ones.

  2. Today I'm planning to make the dough for GF Monkey Bread for Christmas morning, as well as a Key Lime Cheesecake for Christmas Day. Also, a batch of homemade dog food, which we feed for one of their two meals daily (utilizing bits and pieces and very healthy and economical). My b-day is tomorrow so I want the day off, and have planned a simple dinner of appetizers. One of my girls is making me a cake (not sure which, but they've all three asked what kind I'd like). As a treat, when I have a small block of time free, I'm watching the Cottage Garden series from the youtube channel Suburban Homestead. You might enjoy his work as well.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family! Thank you for all you do to provide this cozy, lovely, positive corner of the blog world for those of us with similar goals to make a pleasant life for our families without it costing a lot. It is much appreciated!

    1. Happy birthday, Cat!

      Seasons greetings to all of you. I'm staying home and baking (and making Lili's spiced nuts recipe) today. We are smack dab in the grip of the storm (blizzard warnings here) and home is where I want to be. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to make it into work tomorrow. Enjoy your holidays!

    2. Happy birthday, Cat! Have a fabulous day off. And merry Christmas to you and your family.

    3. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Kris! Enjoy the spiced nuts. I made an extra large batch this year. Yum, so good.
      Stay safe during this storm.

    4. Thank you Kris, Lili, and all others for the birthday wishes! I feel like y'all are a little happy, frugal family here online. Merry Christmas to all!

  3. Merry Christmas everyone!! Happy Birthday, Cat!!

    And hope everyone in the states stay safe and warm,


    1. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Laura. have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Merry Christmas and wishes for a happy and healthy 2023!

    1. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Linda! And yes to a happy and healthy 2023 for all of us.

  5. Merry Christmas everyone!

    I worked today 1/2 day with lots of internet issues due to an upgrade to fiber that did not go well. But getting through it so now I will try to rid myself of a huge headache that began yesterday, all night and all day today so far. I have Christmas cutout cookie dough in the fridge that I need to prepare for the next day or two.

    Cat, I would have told all the people who asked what kind of cake, you should have said all three kinds! That would have been fun!


    1. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Alice. I'm so sorry you've been dealing with those internet issues. I hope you can just focus on Christmas and your family for the weekend and not have to think about work. Ha ha -- your answer to Cat about all 3 types of cake sounds good to me!

    2. Alice, that would have been too funny! But I have simple tastes and like a plain old white/yellow cake with buttercream made with mostly almond extract and a bit of vanilla. And to simplify life for whoever made the cake, I had picked up a GF cake mix as I've personally struggled to make a decent white/yellow cake GF, though I've made many other baked goods, including chocolate cake, successfully in GF versions, from scratch. My middle daughter, Mallory, 18, did a beautiful job making and decorating the cake.

      Merry Christmas!

  6. Merry Christmas to you and yours Lili, and to all the lovely commentors on this wonderful blog.

    Here in coastal NC we've got flooding and frigid temps for us (19 this morning, wind chill of 5). Our son and DIL are here visiting. I made my son's requested meal (turkey with all the sides so we've been eating those leftovers. Traditional shrimp creole ready for tonight). DIL and I made rugalach yesterday with more baking planned today. We are staying in for sure though we braved the frigid temps last night to go to a lighted display in our local garden. It was lovely and a nice way to celebrate the season.

    Again, happy holidays to all. Lynn

    1. Thank you, Lynn. Wishing you a wonderful New Year!

  7. Merry Christmas,
    My husband , son and I were to travel yesterday to Toronto, Canada to visit my youngest daughter. We were informed late Thursday evening that our flight along with 250+ others were cancelled.
    We are now flying out on the 27th at 5:00 a.m..
    “ Better to be on the ground and wish you were in the air then be in the air and wish you were on the ground.”
    All to say that I had run around earlier in the week to drop off baking and treats,( Chex mix and dog biscuits in addition).
    When our flight was cancelled I decided to use up items in the freezer. So yesterday, today and tomorrow have turned into simple days of cooking, catching up and cleaning. What a gift !

    1. Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you and your family, Teresa. I hope you did indeed get to visit your daughter this week.

  8. Oops, me again. Keep forgetting to sign. Funny I pulled Monkey bread out of the freezer. Cat and I are on the same wave length.
    I have traditions for Christmas Eve but as the rest of the family is joining us later in the week. We shall do some of the traditions ( Oplatek) then.
    Have a Very Merry Christmas to you Lili, your family and all the informative responders on your blog.


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